Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Halliburton narrowly beats third-

       quarter earnings estimates

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD services giant Halliburton has beaten  the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         analyst estimates with its third-quarter results,   “I see a multi-year upcycle unfolding,” Miller
                         which were announced this week.      stated. “Structural global commodity tight-
                           The company posted net income of $236mn,  ness drives increased demand for our services,
                         or $0.26 per share, for the quarter, up from a net  both internationally and in North America. I
                         loss of $17mn in the same quarter a year ago.  believe Halliburton is uniquely positioned in
                         The result also marked a slight increase on earn-  both markets to benefit from this improving
                         ings of $227mn in the second quarter of 2021.  environment.”
                         Adjusted income of $0.28 per share, excluding   In the company’s earnings call, he added that
                         special items, narrowly beat analyst expectations  he expected adoption of integrated and bundled
                         of $0.27 per share.                  contracts to continue growing as customers
                           Halliburton’s revenues, at $3.86bn, also rose  pursue performance improvements in the face
                         both on a sequential and annual basis. Increases  of increasing operational challenges in many
                         were reported both across the company’s North  regions. Looking at North America, Miller noted
                         American business and internationally. In North  the bifurcation between public and private com-
                         America, the increased revenues came despite  pany activity, which he said had continued in the
                         some impact from Hurricane Ida in the US Gulf  third quarter of 2021.
                         of Mexico, which made landfall in late August,   “Public E&Ps remain committed to their
                         significantly disrupting oil and gas operations in  spending plans for 2021 while private operators
                         the region.                          continue to take advantage of a strong commod-
                           The result comes as oil prices remain strong  ity price environment,” Miller said. “As expected,
                         and demand rises, helping to boost activity.  completions growth moderated in the third
                         Halliburton’s chairman, president and CEO, Jeff   quarter as operators shifted their focus from com-
                         Miller, expects these trends to continue as coun-  pletions to drilling activity. Just like in the interna-
                         tries around the world ramp up economic activ-  tional markets, customer urgency and demand for
                         ity again following waves of lockdowns related to  our services keep growing in North America.”™


       Core of Biden’s climate plan likely to be cut

        US               THE centrepiece of US President Joe Biden’s  Programme (CEPP). The US needs fossil fuels
                         climate plan is likely to be cut because of oppo-  to remain energy independent, he says, and util-
                         sition from a single senator who has ties to the  ities do not need to be rewarded for an energy
                         coal industry.                       transition they are already making.
                           According to reports, White House aides are   That’s although climate experts say the tran-
                         currently scrambling to rewrite Biden’s $3.5  sition is too slow, and carrots and sticks are
                         trillion proposal without the Clean Electricity  needed.
                         Performance Programme, which would have   Manchin says he wants a climate plan to
                         rewarded utilities for switching to low-carbon  be “technology neutral” and not favour car-
                         power and penalised them for not doing so. The  bon-free fuels.
                         opposition of moderate Democratic Senator Joe   “This is absolutely the most important climate
                         Manchin – from the coal and natural-gas state  policy in the package,” Leah Stokes, an expert
                         of West Virginia – is the primary reason they  on climate policy, who has been advising Senate
                         are doing so.                        Democrats on how to craft the programme, told
                           On October 19, it appeared that Biden’s aides  the New York Times regarding the CEPP. “We
                         had pared back his package to $2 trillion.  fundamentally need it to meet our climate goals.
                           In the evenly divided Senate, where Dem-  That’s just the reality. And now we can’t. So this
                         ocrats have exactly half of the 100 seats, Man-  is pretty sad.”
                         chin’s support for the current reconciliation plan   The CEPP was unveiled by the House Energy
                         is necessary. But Manchin says he cannot sup-  and  Commerce  Committee  on  September
                         port the $150bn Clean Electricity Performance  9. The programme would require utilities to

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   21•October•2021
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