Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The Clean Electricity
                                                                                                  Programme would have
                                                                                                  rewarded utilities for
                                                                                                  switching to low-carbon
                                                                                                  power and penalised
                                                                                                  them for not doing so.

                         increase by 4% the clean electricity sold to con-  University, after the news about the CEPP broke.
                         sumers every year from 2023-2030. The federal  “W/out a clean energy standard in the recon-
                         grant offered to them if they succeed would  ciliation package, Biden admin cannot meet a
                         equal $150 for each megawatt-hour (MWh) of  pledge of 50% reduction in U.S. carbon emis-
                         qualified clean electricity. Failure to meet the 4%  sions by 2030. And international climate nego-
                         goal would lead to a debt of $40 per MWh of  tiations begin to collapse.”
                         shortfall.                            Biden has called for the electricity sector to
                           The grant would apply to all clean power  generate 80% of its power from clean energy by
                         produced by an eligible utility above 1.5% of  2030, up from half that currently.
                         the clean electricity supply of the year before.   John Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, told the
                         Clean electricity must not generate more  Associated Press recently that if Congress fails to
                         than 0.1 metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent per  pass major climate change legislation, “it would
                         MWh, meaning that it cannot include natural  be like President Trump pulling out of the Paris
                         gas.                                 agreement, again.”
                           The CEPP would push the US to generate 73%   Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat,
                         of its energy from no-carbon sources within a  told the Guardian: “They will look ridiculous if
                         decade, preventing at least 400mn tonnes of car-  they show up with nothing. It would be bad for
                         bon emissions, says the Rhodium Group.  US leadership, bad for the talks and disastrous
                           Manchin, from coal-rich West Virginia, is not  for the climate. Just disastrous.
                         only a key swing voter, but he is also chairman   “The vast majority of Senate Democrats
                         of the Senate Committee on Energy and Nat-  understand this is our last chance to act,” White-
                         ural Resources and as such can shape energy  house added.
                         legislation.                          The reconciliation bill does still include
                           Manchin’s personal ties to the coal indus-  extensions to tax credits for wind and solar, as
                         try have become well-known. He has recently  well as green hydrogen, but it is not enough.
                         received more campaign donations from the oil,   Because the CEPP looks dead, Democrats are
                         coal and gas industries than any other senator  now reportedly considering adding a modest
                         in the US in this current election cycle, accord-  carbon tax to the bill, of $15-18 a tonne. The tax
                         ing to OpenSecrets, which researches political  would not apply to gasoline, to assuage voters.
                         spending.                            Experts say that a carbon tax must be in the
                           Manchin also owns stock valued at between  range of $50-80 to be aggressive enough to make
                         $1mn and 5mn in Enersystems, a coal brokerage  enough difference.
        On October 19,   firm that he founded in 1988 and passed on to   “If you were to replace the clean electricity
                         his son. According to the National Public Radio,  programme with a price on carbon, I think
        it appeared that   in 2020 alone he made $491,949 in dividends  that would go a long way. It would put back a
       Biden’s aides had   from the stock.                    lot of the stick elements that were removed,”
                           The CEPP has been part of the Democrats’  Zeke Hausfather, a climate scientist and policy
        pared back his   reconciliation package, which basically encom-  analyst at the Breakthrough Institute, an energy
                         passes Biden’ plan, and which party leaders are  and climate research organisation, told the New
        package to $2    trying to pass without Republican support by  York Times.
                         October 31. But if Manchin gets his way, which
                                                               If a modest carbon tax rises 5% a year, it could
            trillion.    seems likely, and the CEPP is dropped from the  cut 45% of the US’s carbon pollution within a
                         bill, some progressive Democrat senators may  decade, according to Resources for the Future,
                         withdraw their support.              essentially giving the same result as the CEPP.
                           The loss of the CEPP is important not only  But politically, a carbon tax is almost impossible
                         because of how it would help Biden meet his  in the US, a country in which tax increases are
                         goal of the US cutting its emissions 50% from  anathema.
                         2005 levels by 2030. The timing is also difficult,   Ron Wyden, a Democrat and chairman of
                         as it comes two weeks before the COP 26 talks  the Senate Finance Committee, has already
                         in Glasgow, when Biden will want to show the  drafted a carbon pricing bill and says he has
                         US as taking aggressive action against climate  been waiting for the right time to introduce it.
                         change. The talks start on October 31.  Manchin is unlikely to support it – indeed he
                           “Joe Manchin just launched a hand grenade  says a carbon tax is not in Biden’s plan – and he
                         at Glasgow,” tweeted Michael Mann, director of  may be joined in his reluctance by other mod-
                         the Earth System Science Center at Penn State  erate Democrats.™

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