Page 12 - GLNG Week 07 2022
P. 12

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       module carrier AUDAX completed its voyage   Qatargas operates a rolling programme of   years of operations has served as a reliable
       along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) long   planned maintenance at its facilities. These   and efficient supplier of natural gas to
       after the traditional navigation season closure,   shutdowns are co-ordinated with all parts of   the growing Asia Pacific market, and to
       to deliver a process module weighing almost   our operations, shipping and customers as   Australia’s East Coast gas market,” said Ryan
       12,000 tonnes for Arctic LNG 2 from the   part of our annual planning exercises. This   Lance, ConocoPhillips chairman and chief
       Chinese port of Tianjin to Murmansk. The   includes our customers around the world.  executive officer. “With the global energy
       module will be installed on the gravity-based   We inform our customers about these   transition underway, we expect LNG to play
       structure (GBS) for Arctic LNG 2 Train 1 at   shutdowns in advance so that they can take   an increasingly important role, as it is lower in
       the LNG construction centre in Belokamenka.  the necessary measures to offset any planned   greenhouse gas emissions intensity than other
         This voyage is unique in terms of a vessel   downtime at Qatargas.     alternatives. At the same time, this strategic
       of this size passing the entire Northern Sea   QATARGAS, February 18, 2022  acquisition of an additional shareholding
       Route with a nuclear icebreaker support in                               interest in APLNG further diversifies our
       February in challenging ice conditions. The                              product mix while lowering our aggregate
       Atomflot icebreakers escorted the vessel   OCEANIA                       decline rate.”
       along the Northern Sea Route. The icebreaker                               ConocoPhillips’ full-year 2021 production
       assistance was difficult largely due to   ConocoPhillips completes       from APLNG was 113,000 barrels of oil
       navigation specifics during winter 2022. The                             equivalent per day (MBOED) and full-
       current NSR navigation season saw severer   purchase of additional 10%   year 2021 financial distributions were
       ice conditions compared to previous years                                approximately $750mn. The sensitivities
       and the summer-fall navigation period ended   shareholding interest in   provided on Feb. 3, 2022, reflect the
       in the beginning of November 2021, much                                  company’s increased interest in APLNG.
       earlier than in previous years. Due to the size   APLNG                  CONOCOPHILLIPS, February 17, 2022
       of AUDAX, icebreaker assistance in the route’s
       most challenging sections in the Chukchi,   ConocoPhillips today announced through its
       East Siberian and Kara Seas involved two   Australian subsidiary that it has completed the
       icebreakers widening the ice channel.  purchase of an additional 10% shareholding
         The successful completion of the voyage   interest in Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG)
       testifies to the reliability of the company’s   from Origin Energy for $1.645bn. After
       logistics model and the possibility of year-  customary closing adjustments, cash paid
       round LNG deliveries via the Northern Sea   for the additional interest is approximately
       Route to the Asia Pacific region.   $1.4bn (AU$2.0bn). The transaction resulted
       NOVATEK, February 17, 2022          from the exercise of ConocoPhillips’ pre-
                                           emption right and is funded from cash on the
                                           company’s balance sheet.
       MIDDLE EAST                            The ConocoPhillips subsidiary now owns
                                           a 47.5% interest in APLNG, with Origin
       Qatargas denies reports of          Energy and Sinopec owning 27.5% and 25%
                                           interests, respectively. Based on the new 47.5%
       unplanned maintenance on            ownership interest and a full-year average
                                           Brent price of $78 per barrel, ConocoPhillips
       LNG trains                          would expect approximately $1.8bn of
                                           distributions from APLNG in 2022, with
       Recent media reports speculating that   roughly $0.5bn expected in the first quarter.
       Qatargas may be experiencing unplanned   “We are pleased to acquire this additional
       shutdowns of two LNG trains are not true.  stake in APLNG, which throughout its six

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   18•February•2022
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