Page 11 - GLNG Week 07 2022
P. 11

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       AFRICA                              (Italy), with 10.4%. The partners began   available and this, coupled with Wärtsilä’s
                                           production in 1999 and broke ground on the   vast experience in LNG solutions, made the
       CHEC to act as                      Train 7 project in June of last year.  choice easy for us,” says Grzegorz Wardzy?ski,
                                                                                Technical Director of Polsteam, the parent
       subcontractor for NLNG’s                                                 company of Unity Line.
                                                                                  “Decarbonisation is a front and centre
       Train 7 project                     EUROPE                               issue for the maritime sector, and this focus
                                                                                is reflected in the choice of the Wärtsilä
       China Harbour Engineering Co. (CHEC) is   Wärtsilä solutions open        engines for these ferries. Optimal engine
       slated to act as a subcontractor for the Train                           performance is essential in maximising fuel
       7 expansion project at the Nigeria LNG   route to decarbonisation for    efficiency and minimising exhaust emissions.
       (NLNG) plant on Bonny Island.                                            These new vessels will become an important
         According to a recent company statement,   Poland’s first LNG-fuelled   part of Poland’s transport infrastructure, and
       CHEC won an engineering, procurement                                     we are proud to be a partner to this project,”
       and construction (EPC) contract from the   RoPax vessels                 says Matthias Becker, General Manager, Sales,
       international joint venture that is acting as the                        Wärtsilä Marine Power.
       main contractor for the Train 7 project. Under   The technology group Wärtsilä has been   Wärtsilä has taken a leading position
       that contract, the Chinese company will be   contracted by Remontowa shipyard in Poland   in developing the technologies necessary
       responsible for designing and building the   to supply engines, fuel storage and supply   for decarbonising shipping operations.
       hydraulic structure of the wharf and approach   systems for three new RoPax vessels, the first   The company sees LNG as an important
       bridge at NLNG’s seventh production train,   LNG-fuelled RoPax vessels to be built for   transitional marine fuel, bridging the gap
       including the pile foundation and concrete,   the Polish maritime sector. The ships will be   between conventional diesel fuels and future
       the statement said.                 operated by ferry companies Unity Line and   carbon-free alternatives.
         CHEC did not reveal the value of the   Polferries. The contract with Wärtsilä was   The vessels will have an overall length of
       contract or say when it expected to begin   signed in January 2022.      195 metres and will be capable of carrying
       work. It did say, however, that it would also   The vessels will each operate with four   400 passengers, with 4,100 lane metres
       be responsible for designing and building a   highly efficient Wärtsilä 31DF dual-fuel   for vehicles. They will operate between
       steel platform and auxiliary facilities for the   engines. The LNG-fuelled engines can use   Swinoujscie in Poland and the Swedish ports
       hydraulic structure.                bio-LNG, either on its own or blended with   of Ystad and Trelleborg.
         NLNG’s main contractor for the Train 7   conventional LNG, to further reduce their   WÄRTSILÄ, February 15, 2022
       project is Saipem-Chiyoda-Daewoo (SCD),   carbon footprint. The operators intend to run
       an Italian-led joint venture that also includes   the vessels entirely on bio-LNG by 2025.  GTT obtains tank design
       Japanese and Korean partners. The scheme is   The efficiency of the Wärtsilä 31DF engine
       designed to raise NLNG’s production capacity   was a key consideration in the award of this   order for four new LNG
       from 22.5 mn tonnes per year (tpy) to 30mn   contract. The diesel version of the engine has
       tpy. It envisions the construction of a seventh   been recognised by Guinness World Records   carriers from Daewoo
       production train that can turn out 4.2mn   as being the world’s most efficient 4-stroke
       tpy, as well as the debottlenecking of existing   diesel engine. Wärtsilä will also deliver its   Shipbuilding & Marine
       trains, which will add another 3.4mn tpy of   LNGPac fuel storage, supply, and control
       capacity.                           system.                              Engineering
         Equity in the NLNG consortium is divided   “High efficiency and sustainability are
       between state-owned Nigerian National   essential in today’s operating environment,   GTT announces that it has received an order
       Petroleum Corp. (NNPC), with 49%; Royal   especially in the Baltic Sea which is an   from its partner the Korean shipyard Daewoo
       Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands), with 25.6%;   Emissions Control Area. The Wärtsilä 31   Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME)
       TotalEnergies (France), with 15%, and Eni   engine represents the latest engine technology   for the tank design of four new LNGCs on
                                                                                behalf of the Greek ship-owner Maran Gas
                                                                                  As part of this order, GTT will design the
                                                                                tanks of the vessels which will each offer a
                                                                                capacity of 174,000 cubic metres. The tanks
                                                                                will be fitted with the GTT NO96 GW
                                                                                membrane containment system, a technology
                                                                                developed by GTT.
                                                                                  Deliveries of the vessels are scheduled for
                                                                                the third and fourth quarters of 2025.
                                                                                GTT, February 17, 2022
                                                                                Unique NSR voyage delivers

                                                                                a module for Arctic LNG 2

                                                                                Novatek announced that the Arc7 ice-class

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