Page 6 - GLNG Week 07 2022
P. 6

GLNG                                              AFRICA                                               GLNG

       Pouyanné says Mozambique LNG

       restart may take more than a year

        PROJECTS &       TOTALENERGIES’ CEO, Patrick Pouyanné,  he was quoted as saying by LNG Prime. “We’ll
        COMPANIES        has qualified his recent statements about the  see, we observe.”
                         possibility that work on the Mozambique   He continued: “There is no pressure for us to
                         LNG project may resume before the end of  exit out of force majeure. We know that when
                         this year.                           we will say, ‘Yes, we can come back,’ it will take
                           Speaking with analysts during a quarterly  6 months really to start up again. But again, my
                         earnings call on February 10, Pouyanné stressed  priority, it’s a matter of sustainability of that and
                         that security conditions would determine the  human rights. And so we’ll not relaunch the pro-
                         date of the restart. The Mozambique LNG pro-  ject as long as I see photos from refugee camps
                         ject has been idle since late last March, when the  around the site.”
                         French major and its partners declared force   The TotalEnergies CEO had said during a
                         majeure in response to a wave of attacks by Ahlu  visit to Mozambique’s capital city on January 31
                         Sunna Wa-Jamo, a separatist Islamist group  that he hoped to restart the project as soon as
                         with ties to Islamic State (Daesh), on commu-  possible. “When I will see that life is back to nor-
                         nities near its construction site on the Afungi  mality, which means having some state services
                         Peninsula.                           and population, then the project can restart,”
                           The TotalEnergies CEO also acknowledged  Reuters quoted him as saying. “My objective is   Pouyanné
                         that Mozambique’s armed forces had made pro-  that we will restart in 2022.”
                         gress on the Afungi Peninsula, with help from   The French major is leading the Mozam-  stressed
                         the troops deployed by Rwanda and member  bique LNG project through its subsidiary Total
                         states of the Southern African Development  E&P Mozambique Area 1, which holds a 26.5%   that security
                         Community (SADC). For example, he said,  stake. The remaining equity in the consortium is
                         Maputo has managed to regain control of Palma,  divided between two Japanese firms, Mitsui and  conditions would
                         the town closest to the Mozambique LNG con-  Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. (JOG-  determine the
                         sortium’s natural gas liquefaction plant. But he  MEC), which have a combined stake of 20%;
                         also pointed out that the coalition had not yet  Mozambique’s national oil company (NOC)   date of the
                         regained full control over Cabo Delgado and said  ENH, with 15%; Bharat Petroleum (India), with
                         that his company was waiting for normal life to  10%; ONGC Videsh (India), with 10%; Beas   restart.
                         resume.                              Rovuma Energy Mozambique (a 60:40 joint
                           The French major wants to see the civilian  venture between ONGC Videsh and Oil India
                         population return to the area, he explained.  Ltd, or OIL), with 10%; and PTTEP (Thailand),
                         “That will be the signal. We will not build a plant  with 8.5%.
                         in a country where we’ll be surrounded by sol-  The partners have said they will extract gas
                         diers. It does not work like that,” he remarked.  from Area 1, which lies offshore Mozambique
                           Pouyanné declined to speculate on exactly  within the Rovuma basin. They intend to process
                         how long this process might take. He did indi-  the gas at the LNG plant on the Afungi Penin-
                         cate, though, that work might not resume before  sula. This facility will eventually have two pro-
                         the end of 2022 and that TotalEnergies was not  duction trains, each with a capacity of 6.44mn
                         in a rush. “Maybe it will take a year. I don’t know,”  tonnes per year (tpy).™

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