Page 5 - GLNG Week 07 2022
P. 5

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                         spot and short-term markets,” a Capra Energy  publicly available.
                         managing director, Tamir Druz, was quoted by   Nonetheless, some Chinese LNG cargoes
                         Reuters as saying.                   have been re-sold, and more will likely follow.
                                                              A day after news of the tenders emerged, Argus
                         Resales launched                     Media reported that an LNG carrier was en
                         Indeed, this appears to have started already.  route to Europe from China’s Yangpu LNG ter-
                         In January, two of China’s state-owned energy  minal, illustrating that resales on the spot mar-
                         giants, CNOOC and Sinopec, launched tenders  ket are already taking place.
                         for the resale some of their supply. This came
                         amid escalating geopolitical tensions in Europe  What next?
                         as a result of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, with ris-  Not only are gas prices high, with profits to be
                         ing European gas prices also helping to make the  made, but the spot market is also growing. Reu-
                         continent a more attractive destination for spot  ters cited analysts as forecasting that by 2027,
                         cargoes.                             the LNG spot trade will be $20bn, or more than
                           Those involved in the LNG trade do not  double its value in 2020. Against this backdrop,
                         typically publicise commercial arrangements  it is not surprising that Chinese companies, hav-
                         such as spot cargo sales, but traders have been  ing already established themselves as buyers, are
                         reported as saying that the two companies sold  keen for a larger share of the market.  Not only are gas
                         fewer cargoes than expected. CNOOC was   Nor is such a foray into trading without prec-
                         reported to be offering one cargo per month  edent among major buyers of LNG. Reuters   prices high, with
                         between May and November, while Sinopec  also quoted Vortexa’s head of LNG, Felix Booth,   profits to be
                         was seeking to sell up to 45 cargoes for deliv-  drawing parallels with the way Japan’s largest
                         ery between February and October via its Uni-  LNG importer, JERA, had evolved from “a large   made, but the
                         pec trading arm, according to traders cited by  end-user to a powerful integrated portfolio
                         Bloomberg. Several days later, Reuters reported  player” over the past decade.  spot market is
                         – also citing traders – that Sinopec had only suc-  Those making inroads into the spot mar-
                         ceeded in selling 5-7 cargoes in the tender after  ket include Chinaoil, the trading arm of Pet-  also growing.
                         failing to agree on a price with buyers.  roChina, which last year traded over 15mn
                           “The small number of cargoes awarded pos-  tonnes of LNG outside China, emerging as
                         sibly means that the cargoes they offered do not  a rival to trading houses Vitol and Trafigura
                         have that kind of flexibility buyers asked for,” the  according to traders cited by Reuters. Unipec
                         news service quoted a Singapore-based trader  and ENN are also continuing efforts to grow
                         as saying. “But Sinopec seemed quite sure that  their LNG trading businesses.
                         these are the redundant supplies for China’s   The limited interest in CNOOC and Sino-
                         off-peak seasons, as they’re among the best  pec’s recent tenders shows that there are still
                         informed guys of the domestic Chinese market.”  some obstacles for Chinese traders to overcome.
                           CNOOC, too, is thought to have received  Nonetheless, it also suggests that more sales of
                         limited interest in the cargoes it put up for  Chinese cargoes onto the spot market should be
                         re-sale, though details have not been made  expected in the future.™

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