Page 8 - GLNG Week 07 2022
P. 8

GLNG                                              EUROPE                                               GLNG

       European gas prices bullish as US warns of

       Russian invasion of Ukraine within days

        PERFORMANCE      TTF gas prices were bullish in early trading  our allies and partners, we are equally prepared
                         this week, after the White House warned that a  for other scenarios.”
                         Russian invasion of Ukraine could occur within   UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson similarly
                         days.                                warned that the situation in Ukraine was “very,
                           The Biden administration’s national security  very dangerous,” on February 14, and urged
                         advisor Jake Sullivan warned late on February  Putin to step back from ‘the edge of a precipice.”   The amount of
                         11 that Russia could launch a military incursion  He also said that the evidence was “pretty clear”
                         “any day now” – possibly even before the Winter  that Russia was planning an invasion, although   gas in EU and UK
                         Olympics in Beijing end.             the Kremlin has consistently said this is not its
                           “Any American in Ukraine should leave as  intention. Nevertheless, Russia has amassed a  storage facilities
                         soon as possible, and in any event in the next 24  force of some 130,000 troops at Ukraine’s bor-
                         to 48 hours,” Sullivan told reporters in a briefing.  ders with Russia and Belarus.  had fallen to
                           His comments echoed those of US Presi-  The language of EU leaders has been mark-  33.8% capacity
                         dent Joe Biden, who called on US citizens in  edly more restrained. In a meeting last week
                         Ukraine in an interview with NBC News on  with Putin, Macron said he had received from   as of February
                         February 10 to “leave now,” stressing that “this  the Russian leader personal assurances that an
                         is a very different situation, and things could  invasion was not a possibility. Meanwhile, Brus-  14.
                         go crazy quickly.”                   sels has stressed the need for talks to continue in
                           Biden also had a phone call with Russian  the hope that the crisis can be resolved.
                         counterpart Vladimir Putin on February 12,   The March delivery contract at the Dutch
                         warning his adversary that in the event of an  TTF gas hub was trading 5.4% higher by around
                         invasion, “the US together with our allies and  12:30 GMT on February 14 at €81.6 ($92.44) per
                         partners will respond decisively and impose  MWh. The amount of gas in EU and UK stor-
                         swift and severe costs on Russia,” according to a  age facilities had fallen to 33.8% capacity as of
                         White House statement.               February 14, down 0.34 percentage points com-
                           “President Biden was clear with President  pared to the previous day. Withdrawal rates have
                         Putin that while the US remains prepared to  slowed in recent days, as LNG imports remain
                         engage in diplomacy, in full co-ordination with  strong and temperatures comparatively high.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   18•February•2022
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