Page 12 - DMEA Week 13 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         global availability, because of the price, because  industry remains shut down because of the coro-
                         of the safety standards … Somewhere we have  navirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but there are
                         hydrogen, somewhere we have ammonia, some-  hopes that it could soon restart. And in the
                         where we have methanol. And together this will  meantime, Canaveral Port Authority Commis-
                         make the global fuel mix,” he said. This was  sion’s chairman, Wayne Justice, described LNG
                         alluded to by Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser  as “the fuel of the future”.
                         in an earnings call last week when he suggested   The Q-LNG 4000 is also the first LNG bun-
                         that the company would skip the development of  kering ATB to be launched anywhere in the US.
                         LNG capabilities altogether in order to build out  Its launch comes as Shell pursues its ambition of
                         its blue ammonia capabilities.       reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
                           Meanwhile, according to Fereidun Fesharaki,  sions by 2050 or sooner. The barge is intended to
                         chairman at FGE, in order for the 2050 emissions  complement Shell’s existing global network of six
                         target to be met, demand for oil-based marine  LNG bunker vessels.
                         fuel would need to peak by 2025, at which point,   In Canada, meanwhile, LNG bunkering is
                         there is scope for significant growth in LNG  also gaining traction. In February, Cryopeak
                         demand. FGE anticipates that LNG bunkering  LNG Solutions confirmed that it was moving
                         demand for non-LNG carriers will reach 15mn  ahead with the launch of Canada’s first LNG
                         tpy by 2030, increasing to 27mn tpy by 2040.  ATB. The vessel, which is due to enter service by
                           The availability of LNG is likely to give it  2023, will offer LNG bunkering and small-scale
                         a head start on its competitors and as Qatar  distribution in North America’s Pacific North-
                         increases liquefaction from new phases of the  west. This comes after Cryopeak went out to
                         supergiant North Dome gas field, this will keep  shipyards in Europe and Asia in December 2020
                         growing, while efforts by Iran to develop its own  in an effort to gather cost estimates for the con-
                         gas export infrastructure may yet bear signifi-  struction of the 4,000 cubic metre bunker barge.
                         cant fruit.                            Prior to that, in December, the Hamilton-Os-
                                                              hawa Port Authority (HOPA) in Ontario, Can-
                         North America                        ada, announced an LNG bunkering operation
                         LNG bunkering is on the rise across North  that was hailed as the first in the Great Lakes
                         America, with various developments playing out  region.
                         recently in both the US and Canada.    These piecemeal efforts offer a good illustra-
                           On March 19, Russia’s Sovcomflot and Royal  tion of how LNG bunkering is being rolled out
                         Dutch Shell marked the first ever ship-to-ship  across the US. It is happening gradually, with
                         bunkering operation using LNG for an Aframax  individual ports driving progress as they receive
                         tanker in the US. According to Sovcomflot’s  bunkering vessels and infrastructure.
                         statement, its Gagarin Prospect vessel, which is   Indeed, the HOPA noted in its December
                         on long-term charter to Shell, was en route from  announcement that the only LNG capacity
                         Corpus Christi to Europe. The ship received  at ports in Canada currently exists along the
                         1,075 cubic metres of marine LNG from the  west coast in BC and the St Lawrence River
                         Shell NA LNG-chartered Q-LNG 4000 outside  in Montreal and Quebec City. This is despite
                         the Port of Canaveral, Florida.      the fact that the role of LNG as a marine fuel is
                           The announcement came shortly after Port  being increasingly being talked up as compa-
                         Canaveral announced the arrival of the Q-LNG  nies and countries alike consider their options
                         4000, saying that the articulated tug barge (ATB)  for decarbonising. As Cryopeak’s plans for the
                         was helping to position it as North America’s  ATB illustrate, adopting LNG bunkering will
                         first LNG cruise port. This comes as the cruising  take time. ™
       The Sovcomflot-owned
       Gagarin Prospect
       Aframax was bunkered
       with LNG by a Shell-
       chartered vessel in
       Florida in mid-March.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 13   01•April•2021
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