Page 7 - DMEA Week 13 2021
P. 7

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         not abate. For another, the conflict has the poten-  Peninsula site and stepping up the pace of con-
                         tial to wreak a certain amount of havoc in the  struction, Total has evacuated more staff mem-
                         region. Since ASWJ functions as the local arm  bers and scaled back operations once again.
                         of the terrorist group known as Islamic State  Instead of remaining secure within the perim-
                         (Daesh), its clash with FADM has wider geopo-  eter marked out by Mozambique’s government,
                         litical implications.                it has seen ASWJ ambush hotels in Palma where
                           It could also spur diplomatic tensions  some of its employees were taking shelter. Addi-
                         between Mozambique and neighbouring states,  tionally, rather than working to keep itself out of
                         some of which have already expressed concern  the fray, it has heard Mozambican officials such
                         about the possibility that refugees from Cabo  as Omar Saranga, a spokesman for the Ministry
                         Delgado may cross into their territory.  of Defence, inform the public that the Islamists
                                                              are deliberately and specifically targeting gas
                         Another ramp-down                    projects.
                         These considerations are serious enough on
                         their own. But they look even more serious in  Lessons to be learned
                         light of the large-scale investments contemplated  Mozambique’s government is seeking help
                         by Mozambique LNG and the other consortia –  from the international community, in that it has
                         and in light of the fact that ASWJ is now openly  moved beyond working with foreign security
                         targeting project sites.             contractors with unsavoury reputations such as
                           In recent months, the Islamist group’s troops  South Africa’s Dyck Advisory Group (DAG). It
                         have been moving closer and closer to the com-  has accepted Portugal’s offer of military training
                         plex that Mozambique LNG is building on the  and has brought US military advisors and spe-
                         Afungi Peninsula. Last August, they forced Total  cial forces into the country for counter-terrorism
                         to stop using the port of Mocimboa da Praia as  training.
                         its main delivery point for equipment needed   Even so, ASWJ has seen that attacks on gas
                         to build the LNG plant. Last November and  installations get results. They may not lead
                         December, they staged a series of attacks that  to clear territorial gains, but they do attract a
                         led the French company to ramp down opera-  great deal of attention (and they may also be
                         tions and evacuate thousands of workers from its  encouraging Islamic State loyalists to travel to
                         onshore construction site in January.  Mozambique). Additionally, they bring FADM
                           These events have thus far not deterred Total.  troops to Cabo Delgado, thereby exacerbating
                         The French major has remained committed to  long-standing tensions between the province
                         resuming work and has been in negotiations  and the central government while creating even
                         with Mozambican authorities on the establish-  more disorder.
                         ment of a security perimeter in the area. These   As such, ASWJ may very well step up attacks
                         talks appear to have been fruitful, and Total was  on Mozambique LNG facilities in the near
                         indicating before March 24 that it intended to  term. Officials in Maputo will therefore have to
                         resume work before the end of the month.  demonstrate their commitment to turning the
                           However, these hopes have now been dashed.  tide in order to reassure Total – and the other
                         Rather than returning workers to the Afungi  investors that hope to learn from its example.™

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