Page 4 - DMEA Week 13 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iran closes in on completion

       of strategic oil pipeline

       The Goreh-Jask pipeline will open up a major new export route for Iran in the
       Sea of Oman, easing the Islamic Republic’s reliance on existing terminals.

        MIDDLE EAST      CONSTRUCTION has reached 80% on the first  integration and pipe connections are in the final
                         phase of Iran’s new strategic oil pipeline allowing  stages.”
                         it eventually to export 1mn barrels per day (bpd)   Meanwhile, final work and water testing has
       WHAT:             of crude from its Sea of Oman coast outside the  reached 70%. He added: “In the stations section,
       Progress is continuing on   Strait of Hormuz.          in station number 2, with 80% progress, the final
       an oil pipeline and export   In a call with President Hassan Rouhani,  stages of tests and commissioning are remaining,
       terminal project in Iran   Touraj Dehghani, CEO of the project developer  and in other stations, the situation is the same
       that will create a new   Petroleum Engineering and Development Co.  and they are all going through final stages of
       route to market.  (PEDEC), said that more than 50% of works  completion.”
                         had been completed as efforts intensified over   Work began on the line last April, with Pres-
       WHY:              the past Iranian calendar year, which ended on  ident Hassan Rouhani saying at the time that
       Iran has long been keen   March 20.                    “Jask will turn into Iran’s key hub of oil exports.”
       to ease the strain on the   The pipeline has been accorded priority from   The pipeline will carry crude from the oil-
       Kharg Island terminal,   Iran’s Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) because of  fields in the West Karoun cluster, linking the
       which currently accounts   its importance in offering an alternative to the  Gulf port city of Goreh in Bushehr Province to
       for 90% of exports.  country’s reliance on existing terminal infra-  the Omidieh pumping station, then on to the
                         structure, as well as increasing export capacity  Bahregan and Jask terminals for onward export.
       WHAT NEXT:        as the Islamic Republic appears set to ramp up   Phase one of the 42-inch (1,067-mm), 1,000-
       With the first single-point   exports to China following the signing of a major  km pipeline will provide for the transportation
       mooring now in place,   deal this week.                of 460,000 bpd and 254,000 bpd of heavy and
       once the first phase of                                light Iranian crude respectively. Crude will be
       the pipeline is complete,   Progress update            moved directly from the North Azadegan, South
       Iran will be able to move   Dehghani told Rouhani: “In the pipeline sec-  Azadegan, Yadavaran and Darkhovin oilfields,
       around 700,000 bpd of   tion, about 1,000 km of pipes have been supplied  while supply from North Yaran will be moved to
       crude to Jask for export.  and sent to the site, and the welding process,  a facility at Jofair before onward transportation

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 13   01•April•2021
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