Page 5 - DMEA Week 13 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         to the West Karoun station and beyond.  managed to find a second way so that they can
                           Phase 2 is also underway, which will increase  export their oil using other routes whenever the
                         the capacity of the line to more than 1mn bpd.  Strait of Hormuz faces danger. Alternative meth-
                           The wider project will include five pumping  ods could be exporting oil through the Red Sea,
                         stations, two pigging stations and terminals and  the Sea of Oman or the Mediterranean.”
                         20 500,000-barrel tanks with a capacity of 10mn   The first ships Jask will service are likely to be
                         barrels of oil, as well as offshore facilities for  Chinese. With S&P Global Platts estimating that
                         exporting crude oil.                 Iranian oil production has increased by 190,000
                           It forms part of a broader move by the Islamic  bpd since August, exports to China have also
                         Republic to increase its capabilities to export  ticked upwards. Data from Kpler shows Iranian
                         oil from facilities outside the Strait of Hormuz,  oil and petroleum products exports to China
                         which has proved to be a flash point whenever  rising to nearly 900,000 bpd in March, up from
                         tensions with neighbouring countries and/or  around 400,000 bpd in February.
                         the US flare up. The objective is to turn Jask into   This upward trajectory will continue, as Teh-
                         “Iran’s key hub of oil exports,” according to Ira-  ran and Beijing have signed a 25-year strategic
                         nian President Hassan Rouhani. At present the  accord this week covering bilateral trade, energy,
                         Kharg Island terminal in the Gulf accounts for  infrastructure and military co-operation. Oil
                         90% of the country’s oil exports.    and gas will play a major role in the deal, which
                           The total cost of the pipeline was anticipated  has been in the works since 2016.
                         to come in at around $1.1bn, but Dehghani said   The $400bn agreement was signed in Tehran
                         in December that the cost had been reduced by  on March 27 between Iranian Foreign Minister
                         around $586mn.                       Mohammad Javad Zarif and China’s Foreign
                           In this week’s call with Rouhani he said that  Minister Wang Yi, with Iranian President Has-
                         the savings had been achieved by using domes-  san Rouhani thanking the Chinese delegation
                         tic manufacturers to provide all of the required  for standing up to “American unilateralism”.
                         pipes.                                 Ali Larijani, former speaker of the Iranian
                                                              parliament and potential presidential candidate,
                         SPM installed                        was instrumental to the deal and represented
                         Work on export facilities at Jask is also nearing  Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei in
                         completion, with Vahid Maleki, senior offshore  discussions.
                         engineer at developer Pars Oil and Gas Co.   Ahead of the signing, Larijani said that Iran
                         (POGC), saying last week that work had been  would not be influenced by temporary external
                         completed to install the first single-point moor-  factors. “The Islamic Republic of Iran decides
                         ing (SPM).                           independently about its relationship with coun-
                           The unit has a capacity of 1mn bpd and has  tries and it is not, like certain countries, [likely]
                         been positioned 6 km offshore Jask for loading  to change its position with a telephone call,” he
                         tankers. Installation of the SPM followed the  said. Meanwhile, Wang noted that “China’s rela-
                         completion of the second of two 36-inch (914-  tionship with Iran will not be affected by con-
                         mm) pipelines in February. The two lines will  ditions of the day and it will be permanent and
                         feed the SPM.                        strategic.”
                           The port of Jask will also feature an initial   With the deal now in place, Tehran and Bei-
                         20 storage tanks with a total storage capacity  jing will work together to increase bilateral trade
                         of 10mn barrels of crude, with plans in place to  by more than 10-fold to $600bn within the next
                         expand the export infrastructure and storage  decade.
                         capacity to 30mn barrels. It is being developed   Despite years of frustration caused by Chi-
                         over an area of 0.6 square km at a cost of around  nese companies dragging their feet on major
                         $305mn.                              oilfield developments, Iran is likely to welcome
                                                              these firms back to proceedings following the
                         Strategic benefits                   deeper disappointment caused by the failure
                         During the project’s inauguration ceremony,  of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
                         Rouhani said: “What is strategic about this pro-  (JCPOA) to bring much-needed investment to
                         ject is that many countries in the region have  the sector.™

       Week 13   01•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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