Page 12 - DMEA Week 42
P. 12

DMEA                                                NRG                                                DMEA

                         expansion plans will weigh down on invest-  exploration work to date having yielded four
                         ment approvals on other liquefaction for years  fractured basement discoveries.
                         to come.                               Lancaster entered production last year but
                           Meanwhile, a report by the Arab Petroleum  has not lived up to expectations, meaning devel-
                         Investment Corp. (APICORP) said that there  opments at other sites are likely to be rethought.
                         were some $95bn petrochemicals projects   In other news, France’s finance ministry is
                         planned in the Middle East and North Africa in  looking to rein in state export guarantees for
                         2020-2024, up $4bn from its last five-year out-  fossil fuel production projects, according to its
                         look a year ago.                     proposal to Parliament last week.
                           Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia account for   Guarantees, which reduce risks for French
                         the bulk of these ventures. Developers will have  companies and commercial banks in export
                         difficulty delivering on these investments, how-  transactions, will no longer be provided for the
                         ever, given weak market conditions and a lack of  dirtiest forms of oil, including heavy oil, shale oil   In other news,
                         established petrochemical infrastructure in the  and bitumen oil sands, starting next year. France
                         region.                              stopped issuing guarantees for projects that use   France’s finance
                                                              hydraulic fracturing or flaring this year, and ear-  ministry is
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   lier called time on coal as well.
                         the downstream sector of Africa and the Middle East,   Gas projects will be safe for now, with guar-  looking to rein
                         then please click here for NewsBase’s DMEA Monitor.  antees continuing to be offered until 2035. The
                                                              ministry justified this delay by saying the fuel   in state export
                         Europe: UK prospects grow bleaker    would help coal-reliant economies scale down
                         Hydrocarbon production on the UK Conti-  their emissions. But it said it might bring forward   guarantees
                         nental Shelf (UKCS) is unlikely to exceed 2mn  the end-date in the future.  for fossil fuel
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) again,
                         Oslo-based Rystad Energy said in research pub-  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   production
                         lished on October 15, after lowering its forecasts   Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         to factor in a downgrade at Hurricane Energy’s   NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor .  projects.
                         Lancaster field.
                           Rystad had expected national output to  FSU: OPEC+ warns of oil surplus in 2021
                         rebound to 2.1mn boepd by 2035, up from  Russia, Saudi Arabia and other members of the
                         1.65mn boepd last year. But setbacks at Lancas-  OPEC+ oil alliance have warned that a sustained
                         ter, the first fractured basement field to reach  second wave of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         production, have prompted the consultancy to  pandemic and a surge in Libyan output could
                         rethink its assumptions.             push the oil market back into surplus next year.
                           Hurricane slashed its estimate last month for   The oil cartel’s Joint Technical Committee
                         how much oil could be recovered from Lancaster  held a virtual monthly meeting on October 15.
                         to 16mn barrels, from 37.3mn barrels previously,  They considered this renewed surplus as a worst-
                         after discovering that the field was more com-  case scenario, Reuters reported citing a confi-
                         plex than earlier thought. Fractured basement  dential document. They had ruled this out as a
                         resources were expected to account for almost  possibility in their September meeting.
                         one fifth of future national output, according to   The committee’s base-case scenario still
                         Rystad.                              anticipates a supply deficit emerging in 2021 of
                           The consultancy now predicts UK produc-  around 1.9mn barrels per day, although this was
                         tion to max out at only 1.7mn boepd in 2035 and  less than the 2.7mn bpd deficit forecast a month
                         wind down to next to nothing by mid-century.  earlier. But their worst-case scenario foresees a
                           There has been long-held scepticism in the  swing to a 200,000 bpd surplus. This could mean
                         industry about the ability of fractured reservoirs  that oil storage levels remain above the five-year
                         like those found at Lancaster to produce at a  average next year, rather falling under it after
                         stable level, owing to their complex and unpre-  the first quarter, as OPEC+’s base-case scenario
                         dictable nature. They were largely ignored until  predicts.
                         Hurrciane came on the scene in 2004, with its   Unprecedented cuts by the alliance of oil

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   22•October•2020
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