Page 16 - DMEA Week 42
P. 16

DMEA                                           TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       Pirates seize LNG tanker from

       Punta Europe LNG terminal

        EQUATORIAL       AN LNG tanker has been seized by pirates off the  able to depart from Punta Europa at the sched-
        GUINEA           coast of Equatorial Guinea, according to Dryad  uled time.
                         Global, a UK-based maritime security firm.  It was not immediately clear where the pirates
       Methane Princess is   Dryad Global reported at the weekend that  intended to take the vessel, which has a capacity
       one of 20 ships seized   pirates had boarded the vessel, known as the  of 138,000 cubic metres. As of press time, mar-
       by privates in the Gulf   Methane Princess, on the morning of October  itime tracking websites were reporting that the
       of Guinea this year.  17. The attack occurred while the tanker was  Methane Princess had sailed south-west after
                         anchored at the Punta Europe LNG export ter-  leaving Punta Europa and could no longer be
                         minal, shortly after the termination of loading  monitored. The tanker had been due to arrive in
                         operations, it said.                 South Africa on October 28.
                           The company noted that all of the crewmem-  The Methane Princess is one of 20 ships
                         bers on board the ship had been able to retreat  seized by pirates in the Gulf of Guinea since the
                         to safety after the sounding of the alarm. Only  beginning of 2020, according to Dryad Global.
                         one of these workers had sustained any injuries,  It also noted that the incidence of piracy tends to
                         it said.                             increase during the last few months of the year.
                           It also stated, though, that the pirates had  “Incident volumes have historically increased
                         taken two Filipino nationals who were on the  between September and December as maritime
                         jetty near the ship hostage. One of these hostages  conditions improve,” it said.
                         jumped off the vessel and into the water before   The firm also pointed out that there had been
                         being rescued, it said, while the other was not  some year-on-year shifts on this front in the
                         able to escape.                      region. “Despite larger numbers of kidnapped
                           Equatoguinean authorities responded  personnel across the first half of 2020 [in the
                         quickly to the incident, sending several naval  Gulf of Guinea], the current trend indicates that
                         vessels to the LNG terminal within the first  incidents of kidnapping and numbers of kid-
                         hour after the pirates boarded the ship. How-  napped personnel are tracking below the same
                         ever, no shots were fired, and the pirates were  time period in 2019,” it said. ™

       Aramco reportedly discussing

       pipeline deal with BlackRock

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI Aramco is reported to be in talks with  capacity from 5mn to 7mn barrels per day (bpd).
                         BlackRock and other investors regarding a deal   The deal is believed to be similar in structure
       The proposed deal   to lease out and rent back a stake in its pipeline  to the 40% stake Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.
       could be worth $10bn.  business.                       (ADNOC) leased in subsidiary ADNOC Oil
                            Last week, Reuters quoted unnamed com-  Pipelines to BlackRock and KKR in mid-2019
                         pany sources as saying that the effort, known  for $4.9bn. This was followed by the June agree-
                         internally as ‘Project Seek’, remains in the initial  ment to lease 49% of the ADNOC Gas Pipe-
                         stages, with no formal agreement yet in place.  lines subsidiary to a consortium for $10.1bn as
                            While the deal has been in the works for  ADNOC continues its successful monetisation
                         much for the year, Middle East Oil & Gas  of state-owned assets and infrastructure.
                         (MEOG) reported last week that appetite for an   Following on from its success in Abu Dhabi,
                         agreement under previously discussed terms is  BlackRock is understood to have joined the
                         understood to have diminished somewhat amid  Aramco talks and Reuters sources said that it is
                         concerns from the Ministry of Energy, with fur-  joined in discussions by Brookfield Asset Man-
                         ther due diligence deemed necessary.  agement, which was part of the consortium
                            The proposed $10bn deal was being negoti-  that acquired a stake in ADNOC Gas Pipelines,
                         ated between Aramco and a group of local banks  while JP Morgan and Japan’s MUFG were hired
                         believed to include Al-Ahli NCB, Al Rajhi and  to advise on the deal.
                         Riyad, which would cover a period of up to 25   One source said: “There’s more work to be
                         years. Under this proposal, Aramco would have  done. No buyers have been lined up, but there
                         paid a set tariff for use of the infrastructure,  are talks,” adding that the deal could be financed
                         which includes the massive East-West Pipeline  through a syndicated loan and a bond issuance
                         that is currently being upgraded to increase  linked to revenue from the assets. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   22•October•2020
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