Page 19 - DMEA Week 42
P. 19

DMEA                                              FUELS                                               DMEA

       World Bank, partner states to help

       fund Sudan’s fuel price reforms

        SUDAN            THE World Bank has offered Sudan’s transi-  “The numbers circulating in the local media
                         tional government a grant of $200mn to support  about fuel prices are just guesses.” He further
       Sudan has experienced   efforts to reform the economy, including the  stated that the Ministry of Energy and Mining
       widespread fuel   energy sector.                       would not be setting fuel prices, as this would be
       shortages in recent   The reform agenda includes liberalisation  the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance or
       months.           measures tying domestic fuel prices, which have  the Council of Ministers.
                         long been subsidised, to world market levels,   The World Bank is not the only entity that
                         local press sources reported earlier this week.  will be supporting Sudan’s fuel price reforms and
                         Radio Dabanga noted that pricing formulae  other economic liberalisation measures. Partner
                         would take logistical costs related to transpor-  states, working through the Sudan Transition
                         tation and distribution into account but did not  Support Trust, have agreed to provide another
                         elaborate. It did, however, quote Energy and  $200mn worth of funding, bringing the total
                         Mining Minister Kheiri Abdelrahman as saying  value of the grant package to $400mn.
                         that the government would refer to the parallel   Sudan has experienced widespread fuel short-
                         market when setting prices in Sudanese pounds.  ages in recent months. The transitional govern-
                           Abdelrahman went on to say that the tran-  ment, which took power after President Omar
                         sitional government had been working since  al-Bashir was deposed by the military last year,
                         August to lay the groundwork for the liberali-  has attributed the supply crunch to a blockage in
                         sation of domestic fuel prices. Officials in Khar-  the pipeline that pumps crude oil from fields in
                         toum expect to wrap up this process by the end  Kordofan State to the Khartoum refinery. It has
                         of October, he said.                 tried to cover gaps with imported fuel, but the
                           The minister dismissed recent speculation  dependence on foreign suppliers has drained the
                         about the details of new pricing policies, saying:  country’s foreign currency reserves. ™

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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