Page 20 - DMEA Week 42
P. 20

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Iran to outpace Qatar in gas  Duqm refinery reaches 70%                  arrested two suspected pipeline vandals from
                                                                                  The coordinator added that troops also
       extraction from joint field:  completion                                 Ughelli on Oct. 9 in connection with the
                                                                                theft of some parts of the Oil Mining License
       SPGC                                Oman’s Duqm Refinery project has recorded   (OML) 34 oil wellheads.
                                                                                  He also disclosed that troops of Operation
                                           70.5% overall progress as of September 2020.
       Once the development of the new phases of   In a statement issued Oman Refinery said:   Calm Waters 2 and Swift Response arrested
       the South Pars (SP) Gas Field in southern   “We are moving towards the completion   two suspects with 978 bags of 50 kg foreign
       Iran are completed, the country will outpace  of the Duqm Refinery project, which will   parboiled rice around Utan Iyata Creek on
       Qatar in gas extraction from the joint field   increase Oman’s refining capacity to more   Oct. 9.
       by 120mn cubic meters per day, the South   than half million barrels of crude per day.”  According to him, preliminary
       Pars Gas Company has claimed.          The Duqm refinery is a strategic   investigation revealed that the foreign
         This was announced by Managing    investment for Oman and will form the   parboiled rice was suspected to be smuggled
       Director of the South Pars Gas Company   cornerstone of the Duqm Special Economic   from the Republic of Cameroun.
       (SPGC) Hadi Hashemzadeh Farhang in an   Zone. The development occupies more   “Also, a truck laden with about 2,195
       exclusive interview with IRNA on October   than 2,000 acres and, when completed, will   cartons of Cocoa Butter and a motorcycle
       20.                                 have the capacity to process around 230,000   were arrested. Suspects and items recovered
         He said Iran finally won the      barrels of crude oil per day.        from the arrest are currently in custody and
       “breathtaking marathon” over gas extraction                              will soon be handed over to the appropriate
       from the shared field.                                                   prosecuting authority.
         At present, 23 years after the beginning   Troops destory illegal        “Gleaning from the foregoing, the Armed
       of its development, the giant gas filed,                                 Forces of Nigeria and other security agencies
       having 12 refineries, has turned into the   refineries in Nigeria’s      remain committed, resolute and determined
       world’s biggest gas refinery complex,                                    to curtail the activities of insurgents, armed
       Hashemzadeh Farhang added.          South-South zone                     bandits, economic saboteurs and other
         Following the inauguration of the SP                                   criminal elements in the country.
       phases 2 and 3 in 2001, the field produced   The Defence Headquarters says the troops of   “The Military High Command commends
       some 56 mcm per day of gas, he noted,   Operation Delta Safe have impounded large   the gallant troops for the successes achieved
       saying the figure currently stands at 700   quantity of stolen petroleum products and   so far and their unwavering commitment and
       mcm per day.                        destroyed many illegal refining sites in the   dexterity.
         The SPGC CEO said what adds to the   South-South zone in the last week.  “Troops are further encouraged to
       value of Iran’s achievement in overtaking   The Coordinator, Defence Media   remain resolute and decisive in curtailing the
       Qatar is that only one-third of the field is   Operations, Maj.-Gen. John Enenche, stated   activities of the enemies of the country,” he
       located within the Iranian territory; while   this while giving the weekly update on the   said.
       the remaining two-thirds are in Qatar’s   activities of the military across theatres of
       territorial waters.                 operation on October 22 in Abuja.
                                              Eneche said the troops had continued to   Aldrees Petroleum profits
                                           carry out aggressive fight against economic
       Iran sets petrochemicals            sabotage in the zone with significant successes   up 122% in Q3
                                           between October 8 and 14.
       record                              Delta patrol team intercepted and destroyed   Aldrees Petroleum and Transport Services
                                              He disclosed that the Nigerian Navy Ship
                                                                                Company’s net earnings stood at SAR 36.9
       Iran’s Nouri Petrochemical Company set a   two large wooden boats laden with about   million during the third quarter (Q3) of 2020,
       new record by producing 2.44mn tonnes of   20,000 litres of illegally refined AGO at Jeddo   posting a yearly surge of 122.3%.
       petrochemicals in the first six months of the   in Delta State during the week.  The jump in Q3-20 net profit was
       current calendar year, which began on March   He added that the team also destroyed   supported by an increase in fuel profit
       21.                                 four drums and 75 polythene bags containing   margin despite the drop in the company’s
         The company announced that in this   illegally refined AGO by the riverbank at   sales, fuel prices, and other income,
       period, it managed to set various production   Jeddo.                    according to a stock exchange statement on
       records, in, among other things, producing   Enenche said that further exploitation   October 20.
       paraxylene and benzene in amounts   of the general area led to the destruction of   Moreover, the firm’s joint venture profit
       equaling 106% and 111% of its rated capacity   600 drums and recovery of two pumping   as well as financial and Zakat expenses
       respectively, Shana reported.       machines hidden in several wooden stores.  rose, whereas marketing, general, and
         In addition, the company’s total     He added that two suspected vandals were   administrative expenses slumped.
       production in the six-month period grew by   arrested around Shagbolor in Warri South   Revenue for the July-September period
       26.5% (511,000 tonnes of different products)   Local Government Area during the operation,   decreased by 11.7% annually to reach SAR1.3
       year-on-year – an amount equal to 107% of   adding that the suspects and recovered items   bn.
       its nominal capacity.               were taken into custody for further action.  Over the first nine months of the year,
         According to the production indices of   According to Enenche, troops also   the profits soared by 28.1% to SAR81.6mn,
       the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries   destroyed three illegal refining sites and one   compared to SAR63.7mn in the year-ago
       Company (PGPIC), Nouri Petrochemical   wooden boat loaded with illegally refined   period.
       Company was ranked first among the   AGO around Bekinkiri/Ke in Degema Local
       holding’s subsidiaries in terms of production   Government Area of Rivers State.
       during the six-moth time span.         He said the troops had on Oct. 8 arrested
                                           four suspected pipeline vandals at Opukushi
                                           Community in Ekeremor Local Government
                                           Area of Bayelsa acting on credible intelligence.

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   22•October•2020
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