Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Shale drillers anticipate

       headwinds, remain focused

       on returns despite high profits

       High oil prices have helped shale drillers increase their profits in the first

       quarter of the year, but the industry remains cautious amid rising costs

        US               AS earnings season draws to a close it is evi-  it to decarbonise more quickly and those critical
                         dent that producers across the shale industry  of producers for not producing more oil than
       WHAT:             have benefited from oil and gas prices hitting  they are currently doing as demand continues
       Shale drillers remain   multi-year highs, owing in part to the Russian  to rise.
       cautious and focused on   invasion of Ukraine. Shale drillers increased   The domestic oil industry has also come
       prioritising shareholder   their profits significantly in the first quarter  under fire from Democrat legislators that have
       returns despite high   of 2022, representing a turnaround from the  accused it profiteering and price-gouging at
       profits.          losses racked up at the onset of the coronavirus  the expense of motorists. Industry players has
                         (COVID-19) pandemic. Indeed, they appear to  sought to point out that they have no control
       WHY:              be on course for a record-breaking year if com-  over retail fuel prices, but ongoing pain at the
       The industry has come   modity prices stay high – and it currently seems  pump could still translate into growing public
       under a great deal of   that they are highly likely to do so.  anger if producers are seen to reap ever higher
       pressure in recent years   However, even as crude prices help bolster  profits at the same time.
       and still anticipates   profits, the industry is contending with certain
       certain headwinds now.  headwinds. Earlier this month, BloombergNEF  Making profits
                         estimated that shale producers could see a com-  Large profits for the first quarter were registered
       WHAT NEXT:        bined $42bn worth of hedging losses by 2023,  across the board as West Texas Intermediate
       Inflation is expected to   having made a misplaced bet that oil prices  (WTI) crude prices averaged almost $97 per
       strain capex budgets at   would be lower. Also, rising costs were high-  barrel, according to data from the US Energy
       the same time as calls   lighted by some producers in their first-quarter  Information Administration (EIA).
       to produce more oil   results and are expected to continue straining   For example, earlier this month, Pioneer
       intensify.        capital expenditure budgets over the coming  Natural Resources posted an adjusted profit of
                         months, if not longer.               $1.98bn, up from $396mn a year ago, represent-
                           Against this backdrop, shale drillers remain  ing a fivefold increase. Continental Resources,
                         cautious and continue to prioritise shareholder  meanwhile, more than tripled its quarterly
                         returns following years of pressure during  adjusted net income to $960mn from $279mn
                         recent price downturns. Additional pressures  in the first quarter of 2021.
                         on the industry will come from those calling on   EOG Resources posted first-quarter adjusted

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   19•May•2022
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