Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Equipment, labour and
                                                                                                  service costs are rising.

                         net income of $2.3bn, up from $946mn year  help Europe reduce its dependence on Russian
                         on year, and Diamondback Energy reported  oil in the wake of the war in Ukraine.
                         adjusted net income of $929mn, up from   And US oil production is rising, but only
                         $379mn a year ago.                   gradually, and at 11.9mn barrels per day it
                           These figures are just a snapshot of a trend  remains below the record high of 13.1mn
                         seen across all shale regions, both oil and gas.  bpd achieved in March 2020, before the pan-
                         Producers are also benefiting by other measures,  demic sent the industry into a new downturn.
                         including free cash flow. This week, the Finan-  Indeed, weekly production even declined to
                         cial Times cited consultancy Rystad Energy as  11.8mn bpd in the first week of May before
                         estimating that at current crude prices, shale  rebounding the following week, leading to
                         operators would achieve a combined $180bn  speculation that rising costs may be starting
                         of free cash flow. The newspaper also cited  to affect activity.
                         S&P Global Commodity Insights as saying the
                         amount of cash generated by operators this year  What next?
                         would be greater than the total earned over the  Concerns about rising costs were already being
                         past 20 years.                       seen in first-quarter results, with operators issu-
                                                              ing warnings about the higher costs of both
                         Caution                              equipment and labour, as well as other services.
                         However, strong results and the expectation of   For example, Pioneer warned ahead of its  The majority have
                         more high profits to come as oil prices remain  first-quarter earnings release that production
                         elevated has not stopped shale drillers from  costs would come in above guidance. Mean-  indicated a desire
                         proceeding with caution. Only a handful have  while, Hess said in late April that it could add   to maintain
                         decided to ramp up spending in response to the  $80-100mn to its capital programme amid
                         oil price increase, while the majority have indi-  inflationary pressures and that well costs in the   a disciplined
                         cated a desire to maintain a disciplined approach  Bakken play had gone up by 7% y/y. And Coterra
                         to both spending and new drilling.   Energy, which has a mix of oil- and gas-focused  approach to both
                           Indeed, returning cash to shareholders  shale assets, has projected that inflation would
                         through increased dividends and share buy-  increase its costs by 15-20% this year.  spending and
                         backs appears to be the priority for many. Given   This may not all be bad news, however, and   new drilling.
                         the kind of pressure these companies came  analysts have said that current conditions could
                         under from shareholders towards the end of  attract more investor interest after the oil and
                         the last decade, it is not surprising that they are  gas sector had previously fallen out of favour.
                         hesitant to return to the days of running up high   “We believe investors can no longer ignore
                         debt in a bid to ramp up drilling.   the sector’s capital returns, attractive valuations
                           But ongoing pressure from shareholders to  and positive estimate revisions,” a Siebert Wil-
                         focus on returns is also colliding with a different  liams Shank oil and gas analyst, Gabriele Sorb-
                         kind of pressure – to produce more oil and help  ara, told clients last week. “Inflationary concerns
                         bring down crude and gasoline prices. Among  are likely to pivot capital inflows to the resource
                         those calling for more US oil production is US  sector and no sector is better understood than
                         President Joe Biden, who has also cited a need to  fossil fuels for a hedge on inflation.”™

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