Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         truckers. As a group, these truckers wield con-  favour of market economics, is running against
                         siderable influence, and they are outraged at the  leftist candidate Luiz Inacio da Silva.
                         NOC Petrobras’ decision earlier this month to
                         increase domestic diesel prices to keep them  Asia
                         more or less in line with world market trends.  Across the Pacific, lockdowns in China have
                           This stance is understandable from a polit-  offered something of a reprieve to diesel and jet
                         ical perspective, but the truckers have threat-  fuel markets, dampening demand at a time when
                         ened to stage a national strike and mount road  the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia have
                         blockades on May 21 to express their discon-  caused jet fuel prices to spike. However, there
                         tent. If these protest actions continue beyond  have been warnings that as Chinese lockdowns
                         May 21, they have the potential to wreak great  eventually ease and demand rebounds, Russian
                         havoc on the Brazilian economy, which is still  supply will decline further and prices can be
                         working to recover from the ravages of the  expected to rise higher still.
                         pandemic. This is not a theoretical matter, as   The surge in jet fuel prices – up more than
                         it has happened before. Many Brazilian voters  50% so far this year – has come as more and
                         still have vivid memories of the 10-day truck-  more Asian countries are lifting pandemic-re-
                         ers’ strike in 2018 that ended up paralysing the  lated travel restrictions. It threatens to under-
                         country for weeks.                   mine the impact of this reopening for airlines.  With many
                           Bolsonaro, of course, is taking the truckers’   There are some bright spots, such as new
                         side – and taking Petrobras to task for raising  refining capacity coming online in Asia fol-  refiners (at least
                         prices, even though the company is not required  lowing delays that have been attributed to the   outside China)
                         to take the government’s policy considera-  pandemic and to weak refining margins. The
                         tions in mind when setting tariffs. He has also  situation has now changed, with Asian refiners   already running
                         replaced the state-owned company’s CEO and  reported to be reaping record profits in recent
                         appointed a new cabinet member to head the  weeks as the region also ramped up exports to  at full capacity,
                         government department following the resigna-  Europe in a bid to help replace a shortfall of Rus-
                         tion of Mines and Energy Minister Bento Albu-  sian fuel.                  there is limited
                         querque. Additionally, Albuquerque’s successor   However, with many refiners (at least outside   potential to
                         Adolfo Sachsida has started talking about the  China) already running at full capacity, there is
                         possibility of privatising Petrobras – apparently  limited potential to ramp up fuel production as   ramp up fuel
                         because the president is tired of being blamed  demand continues to rise. China is an exception
                         for its unpopular decisions and not just because  as lockdowns there persist. Refinery through-  production.
                         a sell-off might improve its performance.  put in the country was down 11% year on year
                           These developments all but guarantee that  in April and had fallen to its lowest level since
                         Petrobras’ fate and pricing will be part of the  March 2020. Chinese refinery output can thus
                         discussion in the run-up to Brazil’s presiden-  be anticipated to rise as lockdowns in that coun-
                         tial election. The discussion is likely to be spir-  try ease – but so too can the country’s domestic
                         ited, as Bolsonaro, a right-wing populist who  fuel demand, and thus the potential to ease the
                         has moved away from his earlier statements in  looming fuel supply crunch remains limited.™

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