Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       us to meet or exceed our own company   direct connection to the 3.2 bcf per day Agua   MOVES
       targets and give the flexibility and capacity   Blanca Pipeline, a joint venture between
       to offer services to other operators and States   WhiteWater and MPLX.   Superior Drilling Products
       Governments looking to retire orphan wells.   “WhiteWater is excited to partner with
       This acquisition is a win-win for Diversified,   EnLink, Devon, and MPLX to develop   regains compliance with
       its stakeholders, the environment and   incremental gas transportation out of the
       communities in the states in need of increased   Permian Basin as production continues to   NYSE American continued
       retirement activities.”             grow in West Texas,” said Christer Rundlof,
         With the addition of NWP’s two retirement  CEO of WhiteWater. “Matterhorn will   listing standards
       crews, Diversified has eight total internal   provide premium market access with superior
       crews and expects to add a 9th crew by the   flexibility for Permian Basin shippers while   Superior Drilling Products, a designer and
       end of the second quarter. With its investment   playing a critical role in minimizing flared   manufacturer of drilling tool technologies,
       in NWP, Diversified is well-positioned   volumes.”                       announced today that it has received
       to meet or exceed its stated commitment   The Matterhorn Express Pipeline is   notification from the NYSE American that
       to retire at least 200 of its wells per year   expected to be in service in the third quarter   the company has regained compliance with
       across Appalachia by 2023 and to offer its   of 2024, pending the receipt of customary   the continued listing standard of Sections
       plugging services to other operators and state   regulatory and other approvals.  1003(a)(ii) and (iii) of the NYSE American
       governments.                        WHITEWATER, ENLINK MIDSTREAM, DEVON   Company Guide. At March 31, 2022, SDP had
       DIVERSIFIED ENERGY, May 16, 2022    ENERGY AND MPLX, May 19, 2022        shareholders’ equity of $6.5mn, surpassing
                                                                                the $6.0mn requirement to meet the listing
       MIDSTREAM                           SERVICES                               Troy Meier, chairman and CEO
                                                                                commented: “We made excellent progress
       Matterhorn Express Pipeline   Helix Energy Solutions to                  this past year as evidenced by our strong
                                                                                growth and, importantly, the significant
       reaches final investment            acquire Alliance companies           operating leverage inherent in our business
                                                                                that delivered earnings and improving book
       decision                            in Gulf of Mexico                    value. These are exciting times for Superior
                                                                                Drilling. The demand for our capabilities in
       WhiteWater, EnLink Midstream, Devon   Helix Energy Solutions Group announced   the manufacture and refurbishment of drilling
       Energy and MPLX have reached a final   today that it has entered into a definitive   tools continues to expand as our productivity
       investment decision to move forward with   agreement to acquire 100% of the equity   and quality provides greater benefits to our
       the construction of the Matterhorn Express   interests of the Alliance group of companies   customers and replaces their need to add
       Pipeline after having secured sufficient firm   for $120mn cash at closing, plus the potential   capacity. Importantly as well, our branded
       transportation agreements with shippers.  for post-closing earnout consideration.  drilling tools are garnering greater attention in
         The Matterhorn Express Pipeline has   Alliance is a Louisiana-based privately held   the marketplace as we capture greater share on
       been designed to transport up to 2.5 billion   company that provides services in support   drilling rigs.”
       cubic feet per day of natural gas through   of the upstream and midstream industries in   As of May 19, 2022, the below compliance
       approximately 490 miles of 42-inch pipeline   the Gulf of Mexico shelf, including offshore   (BC) indicator will no longer be disseminated
       from Waha, Texas, to the Katy area near   oil field decommissioning and reclamation,   and the company was removed from the list of
       Houston, Texas. Supply for the Matterhorn   project management, engineered solutions,   NYSE American noncompliant issuers on the
       Express Pipeline will be sourced from multiple  intervention, maintenance, repair, heavy lift   NYSE American’s website.
       upstream connections in the Permian Basin,   and commercial diving services.  SUPERIOR DRILLING PRODUCTS, May 19,
       including direct connections to processing   HELIX ENERGY SOLUTIONS GROUP, May 18,   2022
       facilities in the Midland Basin through an   2022
       approximately 75-mile lateral, as well as a

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   19•May•2022
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