Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       EIA forecasts record-high Permian oil output

        US               THE US Energy Information Administration  the Permian and the Eagle Ford. Record highs
                         (EIA) is predicting oil output from the Permian  are projected for gas output in the Permian and
                         Basin, which spans Texas and New Mexico, will  Haynesville regions, at 20.0 bcf (567.5 mcm) per
                         jump by 88,000 barrels per day (bpd) on May to  day and 15.1 bcf (427.7 mcm) per day respec-
                         hit a record 5.22mn bpd in June.     tively in June.
                           Total output from the seven main US shale   Despite the output increases, though, pro-
                         regions is also forecast to rise in the agency’s  ductivity continues to fall in the US’ biggest
                         latest Drilling Productivity Report (DPR). The  shale regions, according to the EIA’s data. A
                         EIA projects output will increase by 142,000 bpd  steady decline in productivity has been seen each
                         to reach 8.76mn bpd in June, which would rep-  month since the Permian set a record of new oil
                         resent the highest level since March 2020. The  well production per rig of 1,544 bpd in Decem-
                         Permian is expected to account for the majority  ber 2020, and new gas well output per rig of 33.3
                         of this, though a monthly increase of 27,000 bpd  mmcf (943,056 cubic metres) per day in March
                         in the Eagle Ford and 17,000 bpd in the Bakken  2021 in Appalachia.
                         will also contribute.                  The EIA expects this trend to continue in
                           Across the seven shale regions, total nat-  June, with new oil well production per rig antic-
                         ural gas is forecast to rise by 750mn cubic feet  ipated to fall to 1,129 bpd in the Permian, down
                         (21.2mn cubic metres) per day in June to reach  slightly from 1,142 bpd in May. Similarly, new
                         a record high of 91.75 bcf (2.60bn cubic metres)  gas well production per rig in Appalachia is
                         per day.                             expected to drop to 28.5 mmcf (807,290 cubic
                           Gas production growth is expected to be larg-  metres) per day, down from 29.0 mmcf (821,252
                         est in the Haynesville, followed by Appalachia,  cubic metres) per day in May.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       ConocoPhillips sues Alaska to prevent

       well data being made public

        ALASKA           US-BASED ConocoPhillips has filed a lawsuit   The company named five wells in particu-
                         against the State of Alaska in a bid to prevent  lar in its complaint – Stony Hill 1, Tinmiaq 7,
                         it from publicly releasing data associated with  Tinmiaq 8, Tinmiaq 9 and West Willow 1. It
                         some of its wells on the North Slope.  had asked the Alaska Department of Natural
                           Under state law, data associated with wells  Resources (DNR) to extend the state’s confiden-
                         is required to be made public after two years,  tiality period for the wells, but the department
                         with few exceptions. However, ConocoPhillips  denied the request.
                         is arguing that the wells are subject to federal   ConocoPhillips is arguing that under federal
                         laws on confidentiality rather than state ones,  law, the well data would stay confidential for a
                         given their location in the National Petroleum  longer period covering the duration of the leases,
                         Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A).              which can also be renewed.
                           According to ConocoPhillips’ complaint,   The development represents a further set-
                         which was filed in US District Court in Anchor-  back in Alaska for ConocoPhillips as it awaits
                         age on May 13, the Alaska Oil and Gas Con-  a further environmental review for the Willow
                         servation Commission will publicly release the  project – one of the developments that would
                         data relating to the wells unless it is stopped from  be affected by the release of the company’s well
                         doing so by a court decision. The company said  data.
                         that the data includes trade secrets and other   Separately, ConocoPhillips also recently
                         proprietary information and that after spending  experienced a natural gas leak at its Alpine field
                         tens of millions of dollars to acquire the leases in  in the state, which resulted in a temporary cut
                         question, it could lose its competitive advantage  in production from the field and which is now
                         if the data is released.             being investigated by the state.™

       Week 20   19•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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