Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Sempra is planning
                                                                                                  to add a fourth
                                                                                                  liquefaction train at the
                                                                                                  Cameron LNG terminal.

       Sempra, PGNiG sign preliminary deal

       for LNG supply from two terminals

        US-POLAND        SAN Diego-headquartered Sempra Energy  (MoU) on reallocating the volumes that would
                         announced this week that it had signed a heads  have come from Port Arthur to the other two
                         of agreement (HoA) with Poland’s PGNiG on the  LNG projects in Sempra’s portfolio – Cameron
                         purchase of 3mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG  and the under-construction Energía Costa Azul
                         from two projects over a 20-year period.  LNG project in Mexico.
                           Under the preliminary agreement, Sempra’s   Sempra said last year that FID on Port
                         Cameron LNG Phase 2 project in Louisiana will  Arthur would be delayed until 2022 and that
                         provide about 2mn tpy, while the other 1mn tpy  it would prioritise the expansion of Cameron
                         would come from the proposed Port Arthur  LNG. Last month, the company revealed that
                         LNG project in Texas.                it had requested an extension, until March
                           An option will also be available this year for  2023, to build two pipelines in Texas and Loui-  The news marks a
                         PGNiG to reallocate volumes from the Cameron  siana that will connect to the Port Arthur LNG
                         Phase 2 project to the Port Arthur facility. The  facility.               change in fortune
                         Cameron Phase 2 project is expected to include   PGNiG said this week that the new HoA
                         a single LNG train with a maximum production  opens the door to begin negotiating terms of a  for the Port Arthur
                         capacity of about 6.75mn tpy. Sempra signed an  future contract for supply beginning in 2027 on
                         HoA with its partners in Cameron on develop-  a free-on-board (FOB) basis.  project, which
                         ing the expansion – which would be the existing   “Today’s agreement underscores our com-  had previously
                         terminal’s fourth train – last month.  mitment to help provide greater energy security
                           The Port Arthur facility, meanwhile, would  to Poland and our global partners through long-  been pushed to
                         have a capacity of around 13.5mn tpy. The news  term LNG sales,” stated Sempra Infrastructure’s
                         marks a change in fortune for the Port Arthur  president, Dan Brouillette.  the backburner.
                         project, which had previously been pushed to the   Poland is leaning heavily on LNG as it seeks
                         backburner after PGNiG pulled out of a sales and  to bolster its energy security and wean itself off
                         purchase agreement (SPA) for 2mn tpy in July  gas from Russia’s Gazprom. The Russian gas
                         2021 owing to delays to the project’s develop-  giant suspended shipments to the country in
                         ment. At the time, it was the only deal support-  late April after it rejected Moscow’s demand to
                         ing the project, after another potential deal with  switch payment to rubles.
                         Saudi Aramco fell through. Sempra pushed back   PGNiG currently imports 7mn tpy, or 9bn
                         the planned final investment decision (FID) on  cubic metres after regasification, from US part-
                         Port Arthur again as a result of PGNiG’s termi-  ners, meaning the contract with Sempra would
                         nation of its SPA. The two companies instead  increase its supply by over 40%. The country
                         signed a memorandum of understanding  consumes roughly 20 bcm per year of gas.™

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