Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Chevron sanctions Ballymore

       project in deepwater Gulf

        GULF OF MEXICO   CHEVRON announced on May 17 that it had  in the project, with France’s TotalEnergies hold-
                         taken a final investment decision (FID) on the  ing the remaining 40% stake.
                         Ballymore project in the US Gulf of Mexico.  Brining the project online is anticipated to
                           The project has a design capacity of 75,000  cost $1.6bn and first oil is expected in 2025.
                         barrels per day (bpd) of oil and will be developed   Chevron also talked up the project’s emis-
                         as a subsea tieback to Chevron’s Blind Faith plat-  sions profile and cost-saving features in its
                         form, the super-major said. Ballymore will con-  announcement.
       Ballymore will be tied   sist of three production wells tied back to Blind   “Chevron’s US Gulf of Mexico production is
       back to Chevron’s Blind   Faith via one 3-mile (4.8-km) flowline. The wells  some of the lowest carbon intensity production
       Faith platform.   will be drilled in the Mississippi Canyon area, in  in our portfolio at around 6 kg CO2 equivalent
                         water depths of around 6,600 feet (2,000 metres).  per barrel of oil equivalent and is a fraction of the
                           Ballymore will be Chevron’s first develop-  global industry average,” stated Chevron’s pres-
                         ment in the Norphlet trend. It has previously  ident of North America exploration and pro-
                         been reported that there were unique challenges  duction, Steve Green. “The project is designed
                         associated with designing a subsea production  to lower development costs by using a subsea
                         system for the high pressures and temperatures  tieback approach, standardised equipment and
                         and unique fluid properties associated with the  repeatable engineering solutions – leveraging
                         Norphlet trend and tying it back to an existing  existing operated infrastructure.”
                         Miocene-based production facility.     In a separate statement, TotalEnergies said
                           The asset, which was discovered four years  that thanks to the tieback development concept,
                         ago, is estimated to contain more than 150mn  the FID fitted with its strategy of focusing on oil
                         barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of recoverable  projects that have both low breakeven prices and
                         reserves. Chevron owns a 60% operating interest  low emissions.™

       Diamondback to acquire remaining

       publicly owned Rattler units

        PERMIAN BASIN    US independent Diamondback Energy has   Rattler is a Delaware limited partnership that
                         struck a deal to acquire all of the publicly held  Diamondback formed in mid-2018 to acquire,
                         common units in Rattler Midstream that it does  operate and develop midstream and energy-re-
                         not own already.                     lated infrastructure assets in the Permian Basin,
                           The all-stock transaction will see each public  where its upstream operations are also located.
                         unitholder of Rattler receive 0.113 of a share of  Diamondback took Rattler public in 2019, but is
                         common stock in Diamondback in exchange for  now responding to different market conditions
                         each Rattler common unit owned. According to  as it prepares to roll up the company.
                         the announcement, this exchange ratio implies   “The energy landscape has transformed dra-
                         a premium of 17.3% for Rattler common units  matically since Rattler was taken public in 2019,
                         based on the closing prices of both companies’  and we believe this agreement to merge compa-
                         stock as of May 13. It also represents a premium  nies is in the best interests of both Diamondback
                         of 9.3% based on Rattler and Diamondback’s  and Rattler stakeholders,” stated Travis Stice,
                         30-day volume-weighted average trading price  CEO of Diamondback and of the general partner
                         as of the same date.                 of Rattler. “This merger will allow both compa-
                           Based on the closing share prices that day, the  nies to benefit from the simplicity and scale of
                         transaction is estimated to be worth $575.2bn,  the combined entity going forward.”
                         and it values Rattler at around $2.2bn.  The agreement has been approved by both
                           Diamondback already owns 74% of the  the board of directors of Rattler’s general part-
                         roughly 145.96mn units outstanding for Rat-  ner and by Diamondback E&P, the subsidiary
                         tler, leaving a balance of 38.1mn common units,  that holds the majority of the Rattler units. The
                         according to a note by Tudor, Pickering, Holt &  transaction is anticipated to close in the third
                         Co. (TPH).                           quarter of 2022.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   19•May•2022
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