Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 13

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       BP, Linde team up on Texas CCS project

        TEXAS            SUPER-MAJOR BP has formed a joint venture  It has already announced plans to create two
                         with industrial gas supplier Linde this week to  large-scale hydrogen production facilities in the
                         develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS)  UK, which together could produce up to 1.5 GW
                         facility in Texas. The firms are aiming for the  of hydrogen by 2030.
                         15mn tonne sequestration facility in greater   In addition to storing CO2 from Linde’s
                         Houston to begin operations in 2026.  hydrogen plants, the company will also seek
                           The project will capture and store carbon  additional customers in the Texas Gulf Coast
                         dioxide (CO2) from Linde’s hydrogen produc-  industrial corridor.
                         tion facilities and potentially from its other facil-  The project is one of several major CCS
                         ities in Texas. This will enable Linde to produce  facilities to be proposed for the Texas Gulf
                         low-carbon hydrogen, which will be sold to  Coast recently. In March, ExxonMobil
                         customers along its hydrogen pipeline network  announced it was planning a hydrogen pro-
                         under long-term contracts.           duction plant and a CCS project at its refining
                           Under the terms of the deal, BP has agreed  and petrochemical site at Baytown. The pro-
                         to appraise, develop and permit the geological  posed hydrogen facility would produce up to
                         storage sites for permanent sequestration of the  1bn cubic feet (28.3mn cubic metres) per day
                         CO2. Its trading and shipping business will also  of blue hydrogen and would have the capacity
                         be used to contribute custom low-carbon solu-  to transport and store up to 10mn tonnes per
                         tions to the project, such as renewable power and  year (tpy) of CO2.
                         certified natural gas, as well as commodity trad-  Meanwhile, earlier this month, Talos Energy,
                         ing and price risk management expertise.  Chevron and Carbonvert signed a memoran-
                           The project will give BP a footprint in the  dum of understanding (MoU) to jointly develop
                         growing CCS industry in the US, as the firm  the Bayou Bend CCS offshore hub, which could
                         evaluates large-scale CCS and hydrogen oppor-  potentially sequester 225-275mn tonnes of CO2
                         tunities at industrial clusters across the country.  from industrial sources in the region.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            and Barnett Gathering from its development   As part of the acquisition, Jason and Tammy
                                           plan in 2020.                        joined Diversified’s existing well retirement
       ExxonMobil to sell Barnett          with ExxonMobil subsidiaries in the Barnett   subsidiary, Next LVL Energy. Nick will serve
                                             As part of the agreement, all employees
                                                                                as a plugging consultant during a transition
       Shale assets for $750mn             shale will receive full employment offers   period.
                                           with BKV. The sale is expected to close in the
                                                                                  NWP, Diversified’s second acquisition
       ExxonMobil said today it signed an agreement   second quarter of 2022.   of a well retirement operation this year,
       with subsidiaries of BKV for the sale of   EXXONMOBIL, May 19, 2022      enhances Diversified’s ability to maintain and
       operated and non-operated Barnett shale gas                              reduce already low well retirement costs by
       assets in Texas for $750mn with additional   Diversified Energy acquires   eliminating 3rd-party margins, increasing
       payments contingent on future natural gas                                control over the process and utilising excess
       prices.                             additional asset retirement          capacity to generate additional revenues.
         “We are focused on delivering the most                                   “I am very pleased to welcome the
       competitive returns to our shareholders by   company                     respected Nicholas family and employees
       developing opportunities with the lowest                                 of NWP to our Next LVL Energy team, and
       cost of supply and further strengthening   Diversified Energy acquired privately   I remain excited about the growth of our
       our industry-leading upstream position,”   held Nick’s Well Plugging (NWP), further   plugging operations,” Brad Gray, Diversified’s
       said Liam Mallon, president of ExxonMobil   expanding its internal well-retirement   executive vice president and chief operating
       Upstream.                           capacity. NWP is a well-established plugging   officer said.
         “Our subsidiaries have operated in the   service provider headquartered in Warren,   “This acquisition demonstrates our
       Barnett shale safely and responsibly for nearly   Ohio with a combined 50+ years of oil and   commitment to responsibly retire our long-
       two decades, and we are encouraged by BKV’s   gas experience, including plugging oil and gas   life, low-decline assets when the time comes.
       plans to develop the resource in line with its   wells across Appalachia.    Asset retirement is an integral part of our
       stated pathway to net zero greenhouse gas   Following a 30-year career with   business, and this acquisition strengthens our
       emissions by 2025.”                 Haliburton, Orville “Nick” Nicholas partnered   ability to safely and efficiently retire wells.
         ExxonMobil removed the Barnett shale gas   with his son, Jason Nicholas, and daughter,   Our investments to vertically integrate well-
       assets operated by its subsidiaries XTO Energy  Tammy Angus, to found NWP in May 2010.   plugging expertise and equipment enable

       Week 20   19•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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