Page 10 - MEOG Week 38 2021
P. 10

MEOG                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

                         aimed at curtailing its role in the Middle East   Despite Iran’s dissatisfaction that the Joe
                         (particularly with an eye on its nuclear and bal-  Biden administration has so far continued with
                         listic missile programmes, hostility to Israel and  the sanctions against Iran that it inherited from
                         roles, usually via surrogates, in various military  Trump, the Raisi government has said it will
                         conflicts).                          agree to restart the Vienna talks.
                                                                The talks are aimed at finding a path on which
                         Meaningful momentum                  both Iran and the US could return to full compli-
                         Raisi observed that Iran’s geopolitical position,  ance and participation in the nuclear deal. The
                         sizable population of 84mn, energy supplies  deal was devised to provide verifiable guaran-
                         (second largest gas reserves and fourth biggest  tees that Iran’s nuclear programme stays entirely
                         oil reserves in the world), transit potential,  civilian in return for the dropping of major
                         workforce and culture could give “meaningful  sanctions against Tehran. As well as Iran, China,
                         momentum” to major regional trade and invest-  Russia, the UK, France and Germany remain sig-
                         ment masterplans, including China’s Belt and  natories to the accord.
                         Road Initiative.                       In a jab at those who want Iran’s nuclear
                           “The world has entered a new era,” Raisi said.  development activities subjected to even more
                         “Hegemony and unilateralism are failing. The  stringent curbs than the JCPOA achieves, Raisi
                         international balance is moving toward mul-  cautioned that “nothing can stop Iran’s peaceful
                         tilateralism and redistribution of power to the  nuclear activities that are within the framework
                         benefit of independent countries.”   of international regulations”.
                           “Unilateral sanctions are not against only one   Separately, the Islamic Republic of Iran Cus-
                         country as it has become evident in recent years  toms Administration (IRICA) on September 17
                         that sanctions have targeted more independent  detailed the level of trade that Iran and the SCO
                         countries, especially members of the [SCO]  members saw in the last Persian year (ended
                         organisation,” he said.              March 20.
                           Iran itself has endured heavy US sanctions   IRICA said trade with China stood at
                         since mid-2018 when ex-US president Donald  $18.9bn, with India $3.4bn, Russia $1.6bn, Paki-
                         Trump unilaterally walked out of the 2015 mul-  stan $1.2bn, Uzbekistan $256mn, Kazakhstan
                         tilateral nuclear deal, or JCPOA, agreed between  $205mn, Kyrgyzstan $51mn and Tajikistan
                         Iran and six world powers. The sanctions put the  $24mn. For SCO observer states, the figures
                         country through a bitter recession lasting nearly  were Afghanistan $2.3bn, Belarus $30mn and
                         three years from which it is only now emerging.  Mongolia $3mn.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   22•September•2021
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