Page 11 - MEOG Week 38 2021
P. 11

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       KOC launches long-

       delayed gathering centre

        KUWAIT           STATE-OWNED  Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC)  output from South Ratqa would grow to 120,000
                         announced this week that operations had begun  bpd, rising to 230,000 bpd by 2030/31, with
                         at a gathering centre that was originally con-  heavy oil from the nearby Umm Niqa field seen
                         tracted in 2014.                     climbing first to 50,000 bpd and then to 80,000
                           The new GC-31 facility adds 100,000 bar-  bpd over the same period. A fourth phase would
                         rels per day (bpd) of crude processing capacity  then see Ratqa’s production lifted to 325,000 bpd
                         alongside 62.5mn cubic feet of gas and 240,000  while the final phase envisages output from the
                         bpd of treated water.                two fields totalling 430,000 bpd.
                           GC-31 which was built by UK-based Pet-  Construction is believed to be around 93%
                         rofac is the third and final gathering centre to  complete on the heavy oil facilities at South
                         be installed under $2.2bn worth of contracts  Ratqa with roughly 930 wells having been drilled
                         awarded by KOC in 2014.              to allow for increased production.
                           The GC-29 and GC-30 facilities have already   The facilities will play an important role in
                         been completed by their contractors — Dodsal  Kuwait achieving its output capacity target of
                         and Larsen & Toubro, both based in India. Ini-  4mn barrels per day by 2040, up from the current
                         tially due for completion in 2018, all three fell  3.1-3.2mn bpd.
                         well behind schedule. The GCs were valued at
                         $641mn, $793mn and $754mn, respectively.  Midstream momentum
                           The midstream projects were due for com-  Meanwhile, three other GCs are planned Pet-
                         pletion in 2017 ahead of the scheduled commis-  rofac is still working to construct the GC-32
                         sioning of the first phase of the Lower Fars Heavy  facility for which it was awarded a $1.3bn EPC
                         Oil project at the northern Ratqa field.  contract in 2017 at the supergiant Burgan field
                           These GCs are key to Kuwait’s efforts to ramp  which at 1.7mn bpd accounts for more than half
                         up heavy oil production in the north of the coun-  of Kuwaiti oil output.
                         try. Heavy crude is produced under the Lower   The new GC, to be located 53 km south of
                         Fars Heavy Oil Project which comprises Umm  Kuwait City, is designed to separate sour oil and
                         Niqa and South Ratqa.                gas from the Arifjan, Marat, Minagish-Oolite
                           The broader Ratqa asset was discovered in the  and Burgan Wara areas of the field from sweeter
                         late 1970s, but efforts to develop the field were  streams and will have capacity to process 400,000
                         largely stifled until the UK’s Petrofac was finally  bpd of liquids into 120,000 bpd of crude, 95.4
                         awarded a $4.2bn engineering, procurement &  mmcf (2.7 mmcm) per day of gas and 280,000
                         construction (EPC) contract to execute the first  bpd of water.
                         phase in early 2015. This called for combined   The last figure is indicative of the problem
                         production of 60,000 bpd by last year.  faced across KOC’s maturing fields of a steeply
                           Output from the two fields under the project  increasing water cut, which at Burgan is expected
                         reached a first phase plateau of 75,000 bpd fol-  to rise to 70% by the end of the field’s life.
                         lowing the start of operations in February 2020.  The scope of works on the EPC contract
                           Then in September, KOC was reported to  includes an intermediate slug-catcher, 15 man-
                         have cancelled a project to drill 11 wells as part  ifolds, 19 import pipelines and four export pipe-
                         of the country’s efforts to expand the production  lines – with the crude to be sent to the South
                         of heavy oil. The $400mn contract was reported  Tank Farm for export, the gas to be piped to
                         to have already been awarded to an international  Acid Gas Recovery plants at Al-Ahmadi and the
                         company, but that it was yet to be signed.  wastewater to be delivered to a nearby effluent
                           According to KOC’s original plan, by 2026/27  water disposal facility.™

       Week 38   22•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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