Page 15 - MEOG Week 22 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

         If the US green-lights Iranian oil sales—any  three newly discovered onshore wells.  energy needs, but constant attacks on the Sinai
       sales Iran makes currently must be made on   The wells have been found in Diyarbakir   Peninsula portion of the Arab Gas Pipeline
       the grey market under the radar in an effort   and Kirklareli provinces, according to Turkish   from 2009 resulted in a decline in imports,
       at avoiding secondary sanctions that can be   Energy Minister Fatih Donmez. The wells   and they were discontinued completely in
       slapped on buyers—crude traders will closely   would produce nearly 6,800 barrels of crude   2013.
       watch how fast Iran is able to ramp up crude   oil per day, he said.       Jordan was consequently forced to turn
       sales to world markets as it could impact this   He further specified that the Akoba-1   to the international market for oil and gas
       year’s rally in oil prices. In theory, floating   (Diyarbakir), Yenisehir-1 (Diyarbakir) and   supplies, pushing its overall energy import
       barrels could reach most buyers within a few   Misinli-2 (Kirklareli) wells would have daily   bill higher from JOD2.4bn ($3.4bn) in 2011
       weeks, but Matthews was cited as saying that it  production capacities of 2,800, 3,000 and 1000   to JOD4.4bn in 2015, owing partly to the lack
       would likely take longer for the hoard to clear   b/d, respectively.     of gas supply from Egypt on favourable terms
       in practice.                           Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan   and also to higher global oil and gas prices in
         “It will just take a bit of time for all the   on May 27 said Turkey’s average domestic   2011-2014.
       channels to get sorted out, for the buyers to   daily oil output exceeded 61,000 b/d, Xinhua   This placed a heavy financial burden on the
       have confidence to return,” he was reported   reported.                  Jordan Electric Power Co.
       as saying, adding: “You’ll see the activity   BNE                        BNE
       gradually increasing over a period of months.”
         Gibson estimates show Iran has a fleet of                              Turkey’s gas imports leap
       40 tankers storing oil. Some 29 of these are   GAS
       very large crude carriers (VLCCs), where                                 up 48% in March
       standard cargo sizes are 2mn barrels each,   EGAS extends gas supply
       while 11 are Suezmaxes, which hold half as                               Turkey imported 5.82bn cubic metres (bcm)
       much oil. Citigroup has previously said Iran   with NEPCO                of natural gas in March, marking a 47.8% y/y
       could have 65mn barrels floating and 54mn in                             increase, data from energy market regulator
       on-land storage.                    The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company   EPDK have shown.
         “The timing and the size of a return   (EGAS) and Jordan’s National Electric Power   The country’s total gas consumption rose
       of Iranian oil to the market is pivotal to   Company (NEPCO), which is responsible   by 42.3% to 6.54 bcm from 4.6 bcm in March
       projecting the trajectory of global oil   for electricity transmission and distribution,   2020.
       inventories and crude oil prices,” Citigroup   extended the timeframe for their existing   Households’ consumption expanded by
       said in a note to investors on May 24. “The   natural gas supply contract through which   43.3% to 2.83 bcm, while the use of gas in
       physical oil can be delivered to major export   Egypt supplies Jordan with 330mn cubic feet   power plants jumped 248% to 1.36 bcm in the
       markets, including India and China, within   (9.34mn cubic metres) per day.  month.
       10-20 days.” Under the most optimistic   The two Arab neighbours signed a   Imports from Russia amounted to 2.58
       forecasts, Iran could return to pre-sanctions   supplementary appendix to expand Jordan’s   bcm, up 563% y/y, while Turkey purchased
       oil production of almost 4mn barrels a day in   natural gas network. Egypt will also provide   1.07 bcm of natural gas from Azerbaijan and
       as little as three months.          training to Jordanian energy engineers on oil   850 mcm from Iran.
       BNE                                 and natural gas issues.                Consumption growth in natural gas power
                                              Ensuring a reliable and affordable energy   plants increased as the plants were required
       Turkey to expand                    supply for electricity production has been   to generate more electricity due to drought
                                           a major challenge for Jordan, after the US
                                                                                pushing down hydro capacity over the past
       production with three new           invasion of Iraq in 2003 ended cheap Iraqi oil   few months, state-run news service Anadolu
       onshore wells                       supply of 250 mmcf (7.08 mcm) per day of gas   BNE
                                              An agreement with Egypt in 2004 for the
       Turkey is set to slightly expand its small oil   provided via pipeline to the port of Aqaba in
       production industry by extracting oil from   southern Jordan helped Amman to meet its

       Week 22   02•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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