Page 13 - MEOG Week 22 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

                                           Kuwait to consolidate oil            implemented gradually and that it includes
       COMPANIES                                                                to restructure of the oil sector would be
       Aramco in talks with banks  firms to 3 in restructuring                  merger of small firms to create large units.
       for new bond sale                   plan

       Saudi Arabian oil group Aramco is in talks   OPEC member Kuwait has decided to cut   Total changes name to
       with banks for a U.S. dollar-denominated   down the number of its government oil   TotalEnergies
       bond issue, two sources said, seeking to raise   companies to 3 within a unique restructuring
       money ahead of large commitments for its   plan carried out by a US firm, a local   France’s Total has officially changed its name
       major shareholder, the Saudi government.  newspaper reported on Wednesday.   to TotalEnergies, in a rebrand meant to reflect
         Aramco was widely expected to become a   In 2020, State oil operator Kuwait   its shift towards low-carbon energy and away
       regular bond issuer after its debut $12 billion   Petroleum Corporation (KPC) appointed   from oil.
       bond deal in 2019 was followed by an $8   the US-based consultant Strategy& to carry   The shareholders approved the name
       billion, five-part transaction in November last   out astudy for restructuring which involves   change unanimously during a meeting on
       year.                               mergers to reduce the eight operating oil firms   May 28. The move, proposed earlier this year,
         Aramco did not immediately respond to a   in the Gulf country.         signals the group’s “strategic transformation”
       request for comment.                  The Arabic language daily Alanba quoted   into a broader energy company, it said. The
         The oil company last year maintained a $75   a KPC source as saying the parent company   Paris-based firm has also adopted a new
       billion promised dividend despite lower oil   would remain the manager of the country’s   “visual identity.”
       prices, and is expected to shoulder significant   massive oil sector.      “Energy is life, we all need it and it’s a
       domestic investments that form part of Saudi   After restructuring, KPC will supervise   source of progress. So today, to contribute
       Arabia’s plans to transform the economy.  three autonomous companies covering crude   to the sustainable development of the planet
         “I think it was expected. They need the   production and exploration, refining and   facing the climate challenge, we are moving
       cash to pay the dividends that have been   other downstream operations inside Kuwait,   forward, together, towards new energies,”
       promised, they’ve done it in the past too,”   and oil industry operations abroad, the report   Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne said in a
       said a debt banker, speaking on condition of   said.                     statement. “Energy is reinventing itself, and
       anonymity.                            “The US company is expected to finish its   this energy journey is ours. Our ambition
         One of the sources said the deal could   study on Kuwait’s oil sector restricting before   is to be a world-class player in the energy
       happen in the coming weeks. Qatar Petroleum   the end of 2021 after the plan was approved by   transition. That is why Total is transforming
       is expected to issue bonds by the end of June   the Government and the Supreme Petroleum   and becoming TotalEnergies.”
       that sources have said could go up to $10   Council,” it added.            TotalEnergies said its new name and
       billion in size.                      Officials and industry sources in Kuwait,   identity embodied the course it had
         “It could well be busy,” the source said.  which controls the world’s sixth largest oil   “resolutely charted for itself” towards net zero
         Bloomberg, first to report on the bond deal   deposits, said restructuring and merger of   emissions. The rebranding comes after Total
       earlier on Wednesday, said the debt sale would  local hydrocarbon firms would produce many   unveiled a three-stage plan last year, under
       be through Islamic bonds, or sukuk, and cited   benefits, including cutting effort and decision-  which it is targeting net-zero emissions in
       an anonymous source saying Aramco could   making time, saving funds, and preventing   Europe by 2050 and a 60% cut in emissions
       raise around $5 billion.            duplication in projects and operations.   for its operations in the rest of the world.
       REUTERS                               In comments in 2020, Kuwait’s then acting   While Total is scaling back its oil activities,
                                           Oil Minister Khalid Al-Fadil said that plans   its strategy involves an expansion in LNG

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