Page 17 - MEOG Week 22 2021
P. 17

MEOG                          NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  pointing to unfavourable market and political
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  conditions.
                         our team of international editors, who provide a   Shah Deniz’s first phase has supplied 6.6bn
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  cubic metres per year of gas to Turkey for many
                         regional beats.                      years, but the contract with Turkish firm Botas
                           We hope you will like NRG’s new concise for-  expired on April 17, bringing supplies to a stand-
                         mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each  still. Botas instead wants to import more spot-
                         section the full text will be available as before.  priced LNG to save on cost.
                         Afroil: Tlou to develop H2 strategy for GTP  FSUOGM: Lukoil beats expectations in Q1
                         Australia’s Tlou Energy hopes that its Lesedi gas-  Russia’s  Lukoil  swung  to  a  net  profit  of
                         to-power (GTP) project in Botswana will serve  RUB157bn ($2.14bn) in the first quarter, ver-
                         as a springboard for blue and green hydrogen  sus a RUB46bn loss a year earlier, on the back
                         production. The company intends to develop  of higher oil prices, increased gas supply and a
                         a “hydrogen strategy” to complement the GTP  recovery in fuel demand. Significant devalu-
                         scheme and has already secured some of the  ation of the Russian ruble since the pandemic
                         assets and administrative permits it will need to  began was also a major factor.
                         begin turning out hydrogen.
                                                              GLNG: Venture Global unveils CCS plan
                         AsianOil: ConocoPhillips to exit Corridor  US-based Venture Global LNG announced last
                         US super-major ConocoPhillips is reportedly  week that it would develop carbon capture and
                         gearing up to walk away from the Corridor nat-  storage (CCS) capacity to serve two of its LNG
                         ural gas block onshore Indonesia. The deputy  export projects on Louisiana’s Gulf Coast.
                         head of upstream regulator SKK Migas, Fatar   Venture Global said that the CCS pro-
                         Yani Abdurrahman, revealed last week that the  ject still needed regulatory approvals but was
                         company had told the agency that it wanted to  shovel-ready.
                         relinquish its stake in the licence.
                                                              LatAmOil: Yellowtail optimism
                         DMEA: Dangote interest and CFP complete  ExxonMobil and Hess both expect to move
                         In this week’s DMEA, we take a look at the grow-  forward quickly with preparations for oil pro-
                         ing interest among oil companies to acquire a  duction at Yellowtail, the fourth section of the
                         minority stake in Nigeria’s Dangote Refinery,  Stabroek block offshore Guyana slated for
                         while Kuwait has completed construction of its  development.
                         Clean Fuels Project (CFP).             John Hess, the CEO of the US-based inde-
                           Speaking to Reuters, Devakumar Edwin,  pendent Hess, noted last week that Guyana’s
                         group executive director at Dangote Industries,  government was on track to finish evaluating
                         said that his company has been approached by  ExxonMobil’s request for permission to develop
                         NNPC and Western and Middle Eastern oil  Yellowtail before the end of the year.
                         and trading companies to secure crude supply
                         agreements.                          NorthAmOil: Super-majors under pressure
                           Meanwhile, Kuwait’s downstream-focused  US super-majors Chevron and ExxonMo-
                         KNPC this week announced that it had com-  bil both suffered defeats at the hands of their
                         pleted a new hydrocracking unit at the Mina  shareholders last week. In ExxonMobil’s case,
                         Abdullah refinery, signalling the completion of  a relatively small activist investor hedge fund
                         work on the $15.7bn CFP.             succeeded in having at least two of its nominees
                                                              elected to the company’s board.
                         EurOil: OIES casts doubt on SGC expansion  Meanwhile, Chevron shareholders voted
                         A report published by the Oxford Institute  nearly 61% in favour of a proposal to force the
                         for Energy Studies (OIES) has cast doubt on  super-major to cut its Scope 3 greenhouse gas
                         whether an expansion at the Southern Gas Cor-  (GHG) emissions – or those generated by cus-
                         ridor (SGC) gas pipeline network will go ahead,  tomers using its products.™

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                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       Week 22   02•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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