Page 14 - DMEA Week 34 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY & SECURITY                   of PM Abdulhamid Dbeibah to hand over power   The joint venture between Chiyoda Corpo-
                                           to the eastern Parliament-appointed govern-  ration and Technip Energies was awarded the
       UNSML expresses                     ment of Fathi Bashagha.              major EPCC contract (Engineering, Procure-
                                              The country failed to hold presidential and  ment, Construction and Commissioning) in
       concern over force                  parliamentary elections on December 24,  February 2021 by QatarEnergy for the onshore
                                           2021, as planned. In late February, Dbeibah  facilities of the North Field East Project. The
       mobilisation in Libya               announced a multi-pronged plan that would  EPCC contract covers the delivery of four mega
                                           lead to holding elections in June. But various  LNG trains, each with a capacity to produce
       The United Nations Support Mission in Libya  parties and institutions rejected the timetable  8mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG, and associ-
       (UNSML) showed deep concern over recent  and talks are currently going under the umbrella  ated utility and offsite facilities. The start-up of
       mobilisation of forces and security challenges  of the UN to agree on a new schedule. The  the first North Field East AP-X® LNG train is
       to legitimacy plans in the war-torn country, the  United Nations established a political mission to  planned for the end of 2025.
       Mission said in a statement on August 23.  support the country’s transitional authorities in   Air Products’ end flash CWHE technology
         UNSML, which promised to get closer to  their post-conflict efforts, following six months  was developed based on proven plant operat-
       involved parties to ensure holding elections,  of armed conflict in Libya in 2011.  ing experience and technological innovation. It
       said the current political challenges cannot be   bna/IntelliNews, August 24 2022  provides the safest, most robust and reliable heat
       resolved through armed confrontation, but only                           exchanger for deployment in this demanding
       with people participation, choices and renewal                           thermal cycling service, compared to alternative
       of the legitimacy of state institutions through  COMPANIES               heat exchanger designs. The unique modular
       democratic elections.                                                    design of these end flash CWHEs provides for
         Several clashes took place this summer   Air Products to provide 4     a compact installation, which enables the recov-
       between rival forces in Tripoli, raising the pros-                       ery of flash gas refrigeration and the production
       pect of wider struggles.            end flash coil wound heat            of additional LNG. Having been installed and
         The UN Mission calls for immediate de-esca-                            operating for over 30 years at other LNG facil-
       lation and reiterates that the use of force by any   exchangers for Qatar North   ities worldwide, this will be the first time Air
       party is not acceptable, stressing that the inter-                       Products’ end flash CWHEs will be installed in
       national community will not accept any act that   Field East LNG project  Qatar.
       uses force to achieve outcomes.                                            “The supply of these end flash units to the
         Libya plunged into chaos after the Arab  Air Products, the world’s leader in LNG tech-  largest LNG producer in the world is a great
       Spring in 2011, splitting between rival gov-  nology and equipment, announced today that  achievement for our team, and other projects
       ernments – one in the east, backed by mili-  it has been awarded the contract to supply four  are now considering this technology for their
       tary commander Khalifa Haftar, and another,  end flash coil wound heat exchangers (CWHE)  LNG plants. The units are a great complement
       UN-supported administration in the capital  for the North Field East LNG Project in Ras Laf-  to the AP-X® LNG process by helping to maxim-
       Tripoli in the west.                fan Industrial City, Qatar. One of the end flash  ise LNG production capacity and efficency. We
         The country has suffered from persistent  CWHE’s will be used with each of the four AP-X®  believe this order demonstrates QatarEnergy’s
       struggles that affected oil exports and internal  LNG Process trains previously announced and  confidence in Air Products’ robust and reliable
       stability mainly due to political disputes. Fight-  already being built by Air Products for Chi-  coil wound heat exchanger technology,” said Dr.
       ing tribal groups and militias in southern and  yoda Corporation and Technip Energies, who  John Palamara, Air Products’ General Manager
       central parts of the country are in usual clashes to  are constructing the LNG process trains for  – LNG. “These new units continue Air Products’
       exert pressure on the Tripoli-based government  QatarEnergy.             strong commitment to supply the latest LNG
                                                                                technology and equipment to QatarEnergy and
                                                                                build upon the existing 14 LNG trains already
                                                                                operating at the Ras Laffan location, all using
                                                                                Air Products’ AP-C3MRTM and AP-X® LNG
                                                                                  These modularised coil wound end flash
                                                                                units offer several benefits, including a smaller
                                                                                footprint, simpler piping arrangement and
                                                                                mechanical support structure, and this propri-
                                                                                etary technology works with any Air Products’
                                                                                liquefaction process.
                                                                                  Air Products will build the end flash CWHEs
                                                                                at its Port Manatee, Florida manufacturing
                                                                                facility. Air Products opened its Port Manatee
                                                                                facility in January 2014 and completed a 60%
                                                                                expansion in October 2019 to meet the needs
                                                                                of the ever-growing LNG industry. In October
                                                                                2018, Air Products dedicated a new LNG equip-
                                                                                ment test facility, which enables Air Products to
                                                                                improve the reliability and yield produced from
                                                                                its LNG equipment, and to design and test new

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   25•August•2022
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