Page 15 - DMEA Week 34 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Air Products’ proprietary LNG technology, vital
       to helping meet the world’s increasing energy
       needs and desire for clean energy, processes
       and cryogenically liquefies valuable natural gas
       for consumer and industrial use. For over 50
       years, Air Products has manufactured LNG heat
       exchangers installed in over 120 LNG trains at
       LNG facilities in 20 countries around the world.
         Air Products’ LNG process technology and
       equipment is the heart of an LNG production
       plant. The technology, in place at some of the
       most remote locations around the world, takes
       natural gas and unlocks its value by liquefying
       it and making it possible to economically ship
       it. The LNG is eventually re-gasified for energy
         The majority of total worldwide LNG is pro-
       duced with Air Products’ technology. In support
       of the LNG industry, Air Products provides pro-
       cess technology and key equipment for the nat-  confirm the recovery momentum of QPIC group  Kuwait Projects Company (Holding) – KIPCO
       ural gas liquefaction process, nitrogen rejection  from the global health crisis and weaker business  – is a holding company that focuses on invest-
       and helium recovery, purification and liquefac-  environment witnessed in the past two years, led  ments in the Middle East and North Africa. It’s
       tion for large export plants, small and mid-sized  by Petrochemicals, which has seen the biggest  strategy of acquiring, building, scaling and sell-
       LNG plants, floating LNG plants and LNG peak  recovery beginning of last year. In the meantime,  ing companies in the MENA region has worked
       shavers. Upstream, Air Products provides both  we continue to look for new opportunities that  successfully for over 30 years. KIPCO’s main
       nitrogen and natural gas dehydration membrane  will enhance the balance of our portfolio diver-  business sectors are financial services, media,
       systems for offshore platforms.     sification and income in order to optimise our  real estate and industry. KIPCO’s financial ser-
         Downstream, Air Products provides mem-  shareholders’ interests.”      vice interests include holdings in commercial
       brane nitrogen generators for LNG carriers and   QPIC’s Vice Chairman and CEO Sabah M. A.  banks, insurance companies, asset management
       land-based membrane and cryogenic nitrogen  Al-Sabah, said:              and investment banking.
       systems for LNG import terminals and baseload   “The achieved results mainly attribute to   QPIC, August 14 2022
       LNG plants.                         the interim dividends amounting to KWD4mn
       Air Products, August 25 2022        received from EQUATE Group on its first quar-
                                           ter. This is in addition to the overall support from  PIPELINES
       QPIC net profits increase           the improved performance from QPIC group   Newly completed natural
                                           companies. Jassim Transport & Stevedoring in
       to KWD6.30mn for first              particular has performed remarkably during   gas pipeline to Kish island
                                           the year, nearly doubling the performance of the
       quarter of FY 2022/2023             same period last year due to the improved busi-
                                           ness climate, which we look forward to maintain
       QPIC (Qurain Petrochemical Industries Co.  across all of our group companies.”  in Persian Gulf unveiled
       KSCP) announced a net profit of KWD6.30mn   Qurain Petrochemical Industries Co. (QPIC)  Now benefiting from a newly completed 127-km
       for the first quarter ended June 30, 2022, com-  was established in 2004 with a total capital of  gas pipeline running from Iran’s Hormozgan
       pared to KWD1.56mn for the same period last  KWD110mn distributed over 1.1bn shares. The  province, the Persian Gulf island of Kish is step-
       year, representing an increase exceeding 300%  company was founded with a clear direction  ping up promotional efforts positioning itself as
       Year-on-Year (Y/Y). Earnings per share (EPS)  from the government of Kuwait represented by  Iran’s answer to Dubai and Doha.
       for the quarter stood at KWD0.05.87, compared  Petrochemical Industries Co. (PIC), to increase   Clearly, while Iran remains economically
       to KWD0.0152 during the same period last year.  the participation of the private sector within the  handcuffed in many respects by heavy US sanc-
         Consolidated gross profits for the period  Petrochemicals sector and create local industries  tions, the idea is not going to fly.
       has increased to reach KWD20.65mn versus  that add value to the national economy. QPIC   However, Kish, a top Iranian resort and also
       KWD15.46mn during the same period last year,  was publicly listed on Kuwait stock market in  boasting a free trade zone (FTZ) said by officials
       owing to the improved performance from QPIC  2007.                       to have attracted foreign investment of $590mn
       subsidiaries.                          QPIC focuses on investing within the indus-  so far, is poised for a huge shot in the arm should
         Total consolidated Assets increased by  trial space, but has a strategic focus on Petro-  the Iranians and the major powers agree a new
       around 3% to KWD804.50mn as at June 30,  chemicals. QPIC’s well-diversified portfolio of  nuclear deal that would see those sanctions lifted
       2022, compared to KWD784.99mn reported  companies is distributed consist of three main  in return for the curbing of Tehran’s nuclear
       at the end of the previous financial year (March  segments: Petrochemicals, Oilfield services,  programme.
       31, 2022) due to acquisition of an additional 9%  Food Processing and Other industries engaged   Launching the new pipeline on August 22,
       equity stake in Advanced Technology Company  in logistics, power generation and basic materi-  Iran’s Oil Minister Javad Owji said it would gen-
       (ATC).                              als manufacturing.                   erate savings of around $400mn in consump-
         Commenting on the results, QPIC’s Chair-  QPIC is part of Kuwait Projects Co. (Hold-  tion of oil products and liquefied petroleum gas
       man, Sadoun A. Ali, said: “The achieved results  ing) group of companies (KIPCO Group).  (LPG) on the island.

       Week 34   25•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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