Page 16 - DMEA Week 34 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       “A total of $350mn was spent on laying the gas  Navy took over ownership in 1990 and renamed  relatively stable. It stood at TRY21.15 ($1.16) on
       pipeline and 28mn cubic metres of gas can be  and commercialised the facility in April 2013.  August 24, up 173% y/y, compared to TRY20.04
       transported daily via the pipeline. This means   Major facilities at the yard include mechan-  on August 9.
       the funds spent will be returned within a max-  ical and fabrication workshops, a carpentry   As of August 26, the diesel price will increase
       imum of one year,” the minister told Iranian  workshop, an operational 50-tonne slipway,  by an additional TRY0.87, media reports sug-
       media.                              decommissioned 200-tonne slipway and a newly  gested on August 25.
         Kish, a 91.5-square km island located off the  constructed 272-metre jetty.  The record diesel price of TRY29.94 was reg-
       coast of the southern Hormozgan province,   The facility also has the capability for the  istered between June 16 and June 27. The record
       offers numerous shopping malls, tourist attrac-  design and construction of tugboats, ferries,  gasoline price of TRY28.46 was seen on June 13.
       tions and resort hotels. It is possible for nation-  barges, and houseboats, ship repair/main-  Diesel’s annual price increase topped 316% and
       als of many countries to visit without a visa for  tenance, fabrication and installation of gun  gasoline’s exceeded 269% at the price peaks.
       stays of up to 14 days. Travel permits are issued  mounts and ballistic shields, design and con-  Gasoline prices in Turkey are automatically
       on arrival.                         struction of boat cradles and construction of  updated based on a formula. The variables are
         Kish is also the location of an international  GRP boats.              the Brent oil price, crack margins (CIF Med), the
       oil trading bourse and energy traders can take   Areas of potential collaboration between  USD/TRY rate and the special consumption tax
       advantage of energy storage and shipping  NCDMB and NSL, which were discussed at the  (SCT).
       facilities.                         meeting included facility upgrade, manpower   As of August 25, Brent was up 43% y/y to
         Officials say there is also striking growth in  and skills development and access to market.  $101, down from the $120s seen in June, while
       Kish’s re-export business segment.     Other senior personnel of the Board in  the USD/TRY pair was up 116% y/y to 18.17.
       bne/IntelliNews, August 25 2022     the meeting included the General Manager,   The diesel crack margin fell to $38 per barrel
                                           Research, Statistics and Development, Abdul-  in July from $54 in June but remained substan-
                                           malik Halilu and the Manager Research and  tially higher than the $12 registered in February.
       TERMINALS & SHIPPING                Statistics, Silas Ajimijaye. The Naval Shipyard  The gasoline margin, meanwhile, fell to $26 in
                                           Limited was represented by Rear Admiral SJ  July from $44 in June but remained distinctly
       NCDMB, Naval Shipyard               Oyegade, Commodore BH Sabo, Captain IC  higher than the $13 seen in March.
                                                                                  As of August 25, the diesel differential stood
                                           Ketebu and Commander Nasiru.
       explore collaboration in            NCDMB, August 19 2022                at $57 and the gasoline differential stood at $17.
                                                                                  The average gasoline price in the US was up
       ship building and repairs           REFINING & FUELS                     23% y/y to $3.88 per gallon ($1.02 per litre). A
                                                                                record $5.02 was registered on June 14.
       Senior officials of the Nigerian Content Develop-                          According to data from the Petroleum Indus-
       ment and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) led by   Diesel fuel prices in         try Foundation of Turkey (PETDER), gasoline
       the Director Planning, Research and Statistics,                          sales in Turkey declined by 3% to 3mn cubic
       Patrick Daziba Obah earlier this week met with   Turkey climbing again   metres in 2020, while diesel sales were flat at
       the management of the Naval Shipyard Limited                             30mn cubic metres and autogas (automotive
       (NSL), in Port Harcourt, Rivers State to under-  The diesel fuel (Eco Force) price at Opet sta-  LPG) sales were down 9% y/y to 3mn tonnes.
       stand the mandate and activities of each other  tions on the European side of Istanbul climbed   In 2021, gasoline sales were up 31% y/y to
       in the oil and gas industry and discuss areas of  to TRY25.98 ($1.43) per litre on August 24, up  4mn cubic metres (3mn tonnes) while diesel
       collaboration.                      258% y/y, from TRY22.36 on August 9, accord-  sales were up 11% y/y to 32mn cubic metres and
         The Naval Shipyard was established by  ing to data provided by Opet.   autogas was up 7% y/y to 3.1mn cubic metres.
       Messrs. Witt and Bush in 1963 and the Nigerian   In the same period, the gasoline price was   bne/IntelliNews, August 25 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   25•August•2022
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