Page 5 - EurOil Week 50 2022
P. 5

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Analysts say Turkmenistan told US diplomats

       it wants major gas pipeline to Europe

        TURKMENISTAN     TURKMENISTAN has informed US diplomats  Pipeline, Aliyev said it was up to Turkmenistan:
                         that it is not interested in a modest connec-  ‘They have to make a decision. They want us to
       Ashgabat wants the   tor project that would allow some substantial  do it. They will have to take some action. We will
       original idea of a 30   Turkmen gas flows to cross the Caspian Sea  not initiate action.’”
       bcm pipeline.     for further transit via Azerbaijan, Georgia and   Turkmenistan has the fifth largest gas reserves
                         Turkey to European markets, according to two  in the world, but China stands as its sole major
                         academics.                           gas export market. Moscow might frown on any
                           “[Turkmenistan] is signaling that it won’t  Turkmen willingness to enter into a project that
                         get out of bed for anything less than the dec-  could replace vast amounts of Russian gas no
                         ades-old idea of a 30 bcma [billion cubic metres  longer available to Europe given the fallout over
                         per annum] pipeline. Building such a line, and  the Ukraine war.
                         more importantly arranging the onward trans-  Roberts and Bowden concluded that the
                         portation and sales in Turkey and EU, would  “problem is the near-total mismatch between
                         be far more complicated than a simple connec-  European requirements and Turkmenistan’s
                         tor,” wrote John Roberts, a a senior nonresident  aspirations. Europe wants gas now. In technical
                         fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy  terms, this could be accomplished in relatively
                         Center and Julian Bowden, a former economist  short order, such as through the Trans Caspian
                         with BP and a senior visiting research fellow with  Connector project. This would link Turkmen-
                         the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES),  istan’s and Azerbaijan’s offshore facilities with
                         in an analysis published by the Atlantic Council.  a 78-km pipeline, and could be put in place at
                           They added: “Moreover, Turkmenistan  an estimated cost of around $400-600 million
                         would probably demand a long-term contract  within a few months of securing the necessary
                         structure which the EU itself cannot provide,  approvals of both countries and the necessary
                         and which European companies might be reluc-  financing.”
                         tant to sign. Overall, nothing could be completed   On the other hand, they said, “a 30-bcma sys-
                         before 2030, by which time the EU should have  tem from Turkmenistan to Italy, roughly twice
                         resolved its current [energy] supply crisis and be  the size of the SGC [Southern Gas Corridor
                         far along the path to a renewables-based energy  already running from Azerbaijan to Italy], would
                         future.”                             cost vastly more than the $20 billion required for
                           The authors of the analysis acknowledged in  the SGC’s initial pipeline components”.
                         a footnote that they are on the advisory board   Turkmenistan already has some capacity
                         of a project to lay a 78-kilometre connector line  to feed gas to Europe via the Azerbaijan route,
                         between the Petronas-operated Magtymguly  thanks to gas swap pipeline arrangements
                         field in Turkmenistan and gas-gathering facil-  made with Iran. The analysis authorts noted,
                         ities operated by BP in Azerbaijan’s Azeri-Chi-  however: “Although the current swap via Iran
                         rag-Gunashli oilfield.               demonstrates that gas from Turkmenistan can
                           They also observed: “On November 25,  already reach Azerbaijan by pipeline, either
                         Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliev delivered the  directly or indirectly, lack of transparency and a
                         most pertinent summary of the current impasse.  3 bcma limit to Iranian pipeline capacity render
                         Asked by one of the writers of this piece about  it almost irrelevant in the context of European
                         the status of discussions on a trans-Caspian  supply.” ™

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