Page 8 - EurOil Week 50 2022
P. 8

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Turkey declares oil tanker traffic jam row

       over following deal on insurance letters

        TURKEY           AN insurance dispute that caused a maritime  and indemnity insurance against spills and other
                         traffic jam of tankers carrying Kazakh and Rus-  accidents, but Western insurers would not com-
       The issue was solved   sian oil to build up by Turkey’s vital shipping  ply with the demand because, they said, it would
       on December 13,   straits was declared solved by Ankara on Decem-  make them liable for possible sanction breaches.
       according to Ankara.  ber 13.                            European diplomats met with insurers and
                           The announcement of a G7-blessed West-  Turkish officials in an attempt at finding a com-
                         ern price cap on Russian crude last week—as  promise text that would suit all parties. Turkey's
                         part of the economic assault major nations are  transport ministry subsequently said tankers
                         directing at Moscow in response to its invasion  have now started to present a "confirmation let-
                         of Ukraine—prompted Turkey to hat the passage  ter" of applicable insurance.
                         of tankers. It argued, there was a possibility of   "There are no tankers loaded with crude wait-
                         uninsured ships passing through the Bosporus  ing for passage," the ministry said in a statement.
                         and Dardanelles straits, given that if they were   The row in the Turkish straits hardly
                         carrying shipments not conforming to the price  impacted the global oil market—most Western
                         cap then their insurance coverage, arranged on  countries no longer purchase Russian crude. An
                         Western markets, could be deemed invalid.  analysis by Bloomberg showed most Russian
                           Turkish coastguards demanded letters from  tankers now head for Asian markets through
                         tankers guaranteeing the ships had protection  the Suez Canal. ™


       Russia’s Gazprom to replace over 20

       Eurobond issues

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN  natural  gas  giant  Gazprom  has  of introduction of sanctions against the National
                         replaced seven Eurobonds issues with identical  Settlement Depository, the portfolio amounted
       Gazprom wants to   local bonds and plans to replace 15 more, Prime  to an equivalent of $ and comprised 24
       replace sanctioned   reported citing Gazprom’s representative Ignat  series. There also is a 25th series in the Japanese
       Eurobonds with    Dirks.                               yen, but there are no Russian holders there,”
       domestic ones.      To remind, servicing both corporate and  Dirks said as cited by Prime. ™
                         sovereign Eurobond issues is blocked as the
                         Russian National Settlement Depository (NSD)
                         is sanctioned by the European Union in the sixth
                         sanction package for Russia’s military invasion
                         of Ukraine.
                           Now Russian bondholders of Gazprom can
                         have the blocked Eurobonds replaced by domes-
                         tic bonds with the same parameters.
                           The Gazprom representative estimated that
                         the share of Russian holders of the bonds ranged
                         from 30% to 40% and even to 50% depending
                         on the issue, of which individuals accounted for
                         about 5-10%. Dirks estimated that the average
                         ratio of conversion of Eurobond for local bond-
                         holders exceeded 95%.
                           “Gazprom entered the situation with the larg-
                         est bond portfolio on the market. At the moment

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2022
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