Page 13 - DMEA Week 35
P. 13

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       Mozambican security threats

       linger despite Total pact

        MOZAMBIQUE       THE memorandum signed last week between  though, it said.
                         Total (France) and the government of Mozam-  “So far, insurgents have not directly targeted
       Total signed a    bique may serve to improve security arrange-  Total’s LNG development, and the Mozambican
       memorandum with the   ments for the Mozambique LNG project without  government has already reinforced its military
       government on forming   improving security conditions in surrounding  presence around Palma following the recent
       a securitdy pact last   areas of the country, according to Stratfor.  surge of attacks near Mocimboa da Praia,” Strat-
       month.              The US-based intelligence company said last  for wrote in a briefing dated August 25. “But
                         week that Total’s memorandum of understand-  without significantly disrupting their activities
                         ing (MoU) with the Mozambican authorities  across the broader Cabo Delgado region, mili-
                         was likely to reduce the immediate risks stem-  tants’ capabilities will likely continue to grow and
                         ming from the activity of Islamic State-affiliated  could eventually present an even greater threat to
                         groups such as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo (ASWJ).  Total and other oil and gas companies’ onshore
                         These groups have become a major source of  operations.”
                         concern for the French company following their   Total is the operator of the Mozambique LNG
                         takeover of Mocimboa da Praia, a port in Cabo  consortium; its subsidiary Total E&P Mozam-
                         Delgado that has been serving as the main entry  bique Area 1 has a 26.5% stake in the project.
                         point for shipments of equipment and goods for  The remaining equity is divided between two
                         the Mozambique LNG consortium, on August  Japanese companies, Mitsui and Japan Oil, Gas
                         12.                                  and Metals National Corp. (JOGMEC), with
                           Since that date, the French major has been  20%; Bharat Petroleum (India), with 15%; Beas
                         trying to beef up its security regime. It is keen  Rovuma Energy Mozambique (a 60:40 joint
                         to retain its access to Mocimboa da Praia, which  venture between ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) and
                         is about 75 km from the site on the Afungi Pen-  Oil India Ltd, or OIL), with 10%; Mozambique’s
                         insula where the group is building an onshore  national oil company (NOC) ENH, with 10%;
                         plant that will process gas from its offshore  and PTTEP (Thailand), with 8.5%.
                         licence, known as Area 1.              The partners are building a gas liquefaction
                           Meanwhile, Mozambique’s government has  plant on the Afungi Peninsula. This onshore
                         also responded to the takeover of the port by  facility will process natural gas from Area 1,
                         expanding its own military footprint at Palma,  which lies offshore in the Rovuma Basin. It will
                         another coastal town about 84 km from Mocim-  eventually have two production trains, each with
                         boa da Praia, Stratfor noted. These measures do  a capacity of 6.44mn tpy. The first train is slated
                         not appear to have affected ASWJ’s capabilities,  to come on stream in 2024. ™

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