Page 18 - DMEA Week 35
P. 18

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Emarat, Aquacool agree              local LPG market by linking our operations,   new markets for the Omani urea,” said Talal
                                           deliveries, sales and customer care efforts
                                                                                Al Awfi, Chief Executive, Commercial, OQ.
       exclusive LPG supplier deal         while utilising the best means of technology,   & Trading portfolio into the nitrogen
                                                                                  This agreement will expand OQ’s Supply
                                           artificial intelligence and automation.”
       Emarat has signed a significant new    Al Shamsi added: “This is a positive   fertiliser market, complementing its existing
       partnership agreement with a billing and   step, aligning our services with the UAE   dry bulk portfolio, whilst leveraging its
       metering company, Aquacool Metering,   leadership’s vision to automate services,   mature logistics and risk management
       a subsidiary of Emirates District Cooling   make people’s lives easier, and achieve the   capability as well as its strong industry
       (EMICOOL), which is fully owned by   highest standards of customer satisfaction.   network. An additional agreement also saw
       Dubai Investments, to become the exclusive   We are aware that there is intense   the debut of Urea Oman in the local market,
       gas supplier to Aquacool’s entire residential,   competition out there, but our strengths   being marketed under the OQ brand, once
       commercial and industrial portfolio.  and in-house capabilities equip us to face all   again expanding OQ’s robust portfolio of
         The new partnership will allow    kinds of market challenges.”         energy and petchems products.
       Aquacool’s customers in Dubai to be    Mohamed Al Saif Al Kebti, chairman   “We are pleased with the achievements
       supplied by Emarat directly via a fully   of Aquacool Metering, commented:   that Omifco has accomplished during its first
       integrated and automated online portal   “Through smart solutions integrated   15 years. Omifco has enhanced its mandate
       and application, a quick and convenient   between Aquacool and Emarat, this   and enabled its growth; not just as a supplier
       process available 24 hours a day and seven   partnership has come in at the right   for its founding companies, but also to offer
       days a week. In adherence with strict public   time. In the current scenario, with public   high-quality urea and ammonia products to
       health and safety measures, customers will   health and safety measures at top priority,   the rest of the world,” said Hilal Al Kharusi,
       be also able to use contactless card machine   these kind of services reassure customers   Chairman of Omifco..
       payments on delivery of their gas cylinders.  with uncompromised customer services.
         Committed to upholding industry   With the possibilities of extending this
       standards, the agreement will see Emarat   partnership to be in various business   Nigeria to become gasoline
       provide its partners with a safe and reliable   models adapting latest solutions and
       gas delivery solution. With no risk of   enhancing the competences of LPG cylinder   exporter in two years
       tampering to the LPG cylinders, or their   deliveries, directly from the source, the
       seals, the partnership ensures Aquacool   elimination of  third parties is another   Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR)
       customers receive crucial reassurance, as   added advantage offered to the end   has said with some of the ongoing modular
       well as excellent customer service.  customers.”                         plants across the country, combined with
         The deal with Aquacool is the first stage                              the Dangote refinery and the expected
       in Emarat’s ambitious LPG growth strategy                                commencement of the three plants in Port
       as the corporation aims to increase its   OQ, Omifco sign 1mn mt         Harcourt, Kaduna and Warri refineries,
       customer portfolio and provide innovative                                Nigeria would become a net exporter of petrol
       services and solutions across various   granular urea deal               in the next two years.
       industries within the UAE. Through                                         DPR Director, Mr. Sarki Auwalu, told
       strategic partnerships, innovation and   A three-year agreement was inked to offtake   the Minister of Information and Culture,
       modernisation, Emarat aims to set a   and trade 1mn mt per year of granular urea   Mr. Lai Mohammed, who visited the agency
       benchmark for quality and service within   between OQ, Oman’s globally integrated   headquarters in Lagos that the flow of import
       the LPG market.                     energy company, via its commercial arm OQ   would be reversed when the new refineries
         The deal is also considered an additional   Trading, and Omifco.       begin operations.
       value to Aquacool by adding another utility,   OQ’s Supply & Trading business will   He added that the feat would be achieved
       LPG, to the integrated smart solutions,   be lifting the urea from Omifco’s captive   through the combined capacity of 375,000
       provided by Aquacool to their customers.   terminal in Sur, Oman in bulk carriers and   barrels per day from 27 modular refineries;
       Partnership with Emarat is a commitment   delivering it to end-users in international   650,000 bpd from Dangote refinery and the
       to providing the highest level of products   markets such as India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan,   450,000 bpd  from the nation’s refineries,
       and services to Aquacool stakeholders and   the United States, Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand   which are currently being fixed.
       communities.                        and China.                             Auwalu assured the minister that
         Ali Khalifa Al Shamsi, director general of   The new agreement between the two   already, Dangote integrated refinery and
       Emarat, said: “Emarat is proud to lead this   companies commenced on August 1, and   petrochemical project, the biggest in Africa;
       initiative, which will allow us to distribute   the first vessel with 49,500 metric tonnes   Waltersmith refinery with 7,000 bpd and
       LPG cylinders directly to the end-users in   departed to Brazil on August 2.  others are almost nearing completion.
       the Emirate of Dubai, through our exclusive   “Omifco has positioned itself strategically   He said the aspiration of DPR is to grow
       partnership with Aquacool. We foresee   in the urea and ammonia market globally,   the country’s crude oil reserves to 40bn barrels
       great opportunities to re-invent the service   and we are quite proud of that. Now we have   and gas to 210 trillion cubic feet, adding
       standards and quality assurances in the   a great opportunity ahead of us; targeting   that the department would also, increase oil

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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