Page 16 - GLNG Week 01 2023
P. 16

GLNG                                              EUROPE                                               GLNG

       Germany receives its first

       shipment of US LNG at

       newly opened terminal

        SHIPPING         THE first shipment of US liquefied natural gas  October 2022, a figure set to rise to 50 bcm in
                         (LNG) has arrived in Germany at the Wilhelms-  2023.
                         haven terminal, according to German energy   Uniper started a legal action against Russian
                         firm Uniper, Vedomosti reported on January 3.  natural gas giant Gazprom in the Stockholm
                           The  supplier  was  US  company  Venture  Arbitration Court in December for violation of
                         Global Calcasieu Pass, which sent 97.1mn cubic  a gas supplies contract, claiming that failed gas
                         metres of natural gas, enough to power around  deliveries had caused the company €11.6bn of
                         50,000 German households for a year.  damages through it having to replace missing
                           Until the war in Ukraine started German had  gas on the spot market.
                         no LNG terminals and was entirely reliant on   Seaborne LNG deliveries to European des-
                         Russian piped gas imports. Following the start  tinations, including Turkey, eased 1% week on
                         of the war, Berlin rushed through plans to build  week to 3.8 bcm in the last week of December but
                         five large terminals to diversify supplies of gas  are on track to hit a record monthly high, Kpler
                         at Wilhelmshaven (two terminals), Brunsbüttel,  ship tracking data showed on December 27.
                         Stade and Lubmin.                      Around 50 vessels, carrying almost 4.7 bcm,
                           In the meantime Germany has leased three  were in transit or waiting to discharge at Euro-
                         floating terminals, the first of which came online  pean ports as the year came to an end, although
                         on December 17, Euractiv reported. The three  the final destinations and volumes could change,
                         terminals have a capacity of 13bn cubic metres  Kpler said.
                         a year, less than the 50 bcm German imported   More than 16.3 bcm of LNG were imported
                         from Russia pre-war.                 in December, or 4.2 bcm per week, almost 11%
                           In the coming winter, Germany will be capa-  higher than the same period in November.
                         ble of importing some 32 bcm, according to the   Europe’s LNG supply in December is set to
                         terminal’s declared regasification capacity. Inter-  exceed 19 bcm, smashing the previous record of
                         nal government documents assess a peak capac-  16.1 bcm seen in November, as the region ramps
                         ity of 44.5 bcm. Some critics worry that with four  up its replacement of Russian pipeline supply
                         onshore LNG terminals under construction  and looks to keep the storage tanks as full as pos-
                         Germany faces the danger of LNG overcapacity  sible in anticipation of a repeat energy crisis in
                         once the onshore LNG terminals are completed.  this year’s heating season.
                           Uniper recently asked the German State   The volume of LNG floating off European
                         Development Bank to extend its credit line by  shores tumbled to its lowest since August in
                         an additional €4bn ($4.8bn) after using up the  December, with 0.35 bcm floating in four vessels
                         previous €9bn loan to finance the LNG import  that have waited for at least five days, according
                         trade.                               to Kpler data. Meanwhile, Freeport, the sec-
                           The company has been losing more than  ond biggest LNG export terminal in the US,
                         €100mn daily due to reduced Gazprom sup-  delayed its restart following last year’s accident
                         plies and rising gas prices in Europe, resulting  by another month to mid-January at the earli-
                         in a record first-half loss of €12.4bn in 2022  est, operator Freeport LNG said at the end of
                         that led to a massive government bailout for the  December. Freeport exports some 20 bcm per
                         company.                             year, much of which goes to Europe.
                           The top 40 fuel and energy corporations in   European LNG storage levels jumped in the
                         the US, Canada and Europe are set to earn more  last week of the year and were at 72% of capacity
                         than $3.6 trillion in 2022, a 48% increase on  by New Year’s Eve, Gas Infrastructure Europe
                         2021’s $2.4 trillion. In November, the US sup-  data showed.™
                         plied 48 bcm of LNG to the EU from January to

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 01  05•January•2023
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