Page 17 - DMEA Week 23
P. 17

DMEA                                      PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       Dangote to inaugurate new $2bn urea unit

        NIGERIA          NIGERIAN industrial conglomerate Dangote  due to come on stream in December 2020.
                         will shortly inaugurate a new $2bn granulated   The Indorama plant exports around 70% of its
       Nigeria has several urea   urea fertiliser plant in Lagos, it said on June 10.  production, while the rest is sold locally. Notore’s
       plants and is developing   The plant has a production capacity of 3mn  production is mostly consumed domestically.
       more.             tonnes per year (tpy), and uses gas supplies from   Dangote’s new facility is anticipated to pro-
                         Nigerian Gas Co. and Chevron Nigeria as its  vide around 25% of its urea for the domestic
                         feedstock.                           market and the rest for overseas. Traders who
                           “The mechanical completion of the fertiliser  spoke with ICIS expressed doubt that the plant
                         plant is over; the test phase is over; and now we  would start operating on a commercial basis any
                         are in the commissioning phase,” Dangote’s exec-  sooner than the end of the year.
                         utive director for strategy, portfolio development   “Stability could only come by December-Jan-
                         and capital projects, Devakumar Edwin, told  uary,” one trader said. “Initially, all new plants
                         local press.                         produce off-spec product and that takes time to
                           The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis will  stabilise.”
                         not affect progress at the project, Edwin said,   “Realistically, we expect completion of the
                         although the plant will not be ready to market  first Dangota line by the end of 2020; it is unlikely
                         its first products until 90 days after its power tur-  it will happen before,” another said. “Commer-
                         bines come online. The director did not say when  cial output should be available in the second
                         this was expected.                   quarter of 2021 or possibly the first quarter.”
                           Nigeria already has two urea plants in opera-  Another company, Brass Fertiliser and Pet-
                         tion – the 1.4mn tpy Indorama unit at Port Har-  rochemical (BFPCL), plans to build a 1.3mn tpy
                         court and the 500,000 tpy Notore facility at the port  urea faclity and 1.7mn tpy methanol plant in the
                         of Onne. A second 1.6mn tpy train at Indorama is  state of Bayelsa. ™


       Nigeria issues licence to small-

       scale refinery

        NIGERIA          NIGERIA’S petroleum ministry has awarded a  Nigeria is heavily reliant on fuel imports, as its
                         licence to Nigeria Delta Exploration & Produc-  main state-owned refineries are outdated and
       Nigeria wants to   tion (NDEP) to operate a small-sized oil-refining  have fallen into disrepair, being capable of oper-
       develop small-sized   train in Ogbele, a town in the coastal Rivers State,  ating at only a fraction of their nameplate capac-
       refineries to curb fuel   it said on June 8.           ity. Most domestic fuel production comes from
       imports.            The licence is for a 5,000 barrel per day (bpd)  illegal refineries in the Niger Delta region that
                         train that was announced as completed back in  process crude stolen from oil company pipelines.
                         January. The train will produce dual-purpose   However, the government is seeking to
                         kerosene, jet fuel, motor and marine diesel and  develop more legitimate small-scale refineries
                         heavy fuel oil. The marine diesel is low-sulphur,  to help curb fuel imports.
                         compliant with the latest pollution standards   Construction is already nearing completion
                         set by the International Maritime Organisation  on a third train at NDEP’s refinery that will boost
                         (IMO).                               the facility’s processing capacity to 11,000 bpd. It
                           NDEP secured a licence to operate a 1,000  will manufacture the same products as the sec-
                         bpd refining train at the site in 2012, which has  ond train as well as gasoline, referred to in Nige-
                         since produced more than 140mn litres of diesel.  ria as premier motor spirit.
                         The train uses oil from a marginal field operated   “All mechanical erections in respect to Train
                         by NDEP as its feedstock.            3 are completed,” Fatona said. “Electrical and
                           “This is a phenomenal attainment,” NDEP’s  instrumentation has another week or so to go to
                         managing director Layiwola Fatona said, com-  total completion and full readiness. We are now
                         menting on the licence. “It has been a very long  ready for pre-commission with the start of tech-
                         and traumatic journey. It was fraught with chal-  nical checks.”
                         lenges, hard decisions and much human and   A ceremony will be held to commission the
                         financial capital.”                  train once coronavirus (COVID-19) travel bans
                           Even though it is Africa’s biggest oil producer,  are lifted. ™

       Week 23   11•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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