Page 19 - DMEA Week 23
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Qatar to integrate as it responds to Covid-19 and, despite to 3.82mn barrels at the end of April 2020
over the same period of 2019.
the challenging operating environment,
chemicals unit into QP remains resilient with a strong balance sheet, which is the cheapest petrol available in the
Of the total production of M-91 gasoline,
delivering on its smart growth strategy with
Qatar Petroleum (QP) will integrate Qatar seven new stations opened in Q1 2020. market, 2.66mn barrels were sold in the
Chemical and Petrochemical Marketing and During the first quarter, ADNOC domestic market.
Distribution Company (Muntajat) and aims Distribution responded swiftly to the evolving
to complete the consolidation in the next needs of its employees, customers and local
few months, the state energy giant said on communities, by introducing a number of Kuwait’s HEISCO to carry
June 11, according to Reuters. health and safety measures, including new
he integration will enable QP to continue services to enhance customer experience out $3.57mn pipeline work
expanding its global reach and further and protect staff and customers during the
strengthen its downstream capabilities, QP current Covid-19 pandemic, including the for KOC
said in a statement. daily cleaning of its sites and free car interior
“During the integration process, sanitisation with every auto wash. To further Heavy Engineering Industries and
Muntajat will continue to deliver its protect customers and staff, the company Shipbuilding Company (HEISCO) has
commitments and contractual obligations has accelerated its digital transformation signed a subcontract with the main
to all its customers around the world with strategy in response to the current pandemic, contractor of Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
no interruption,” QP said. providing customers with a seamless digital for manufacturing and dyeing works for gas
experience and enhancing the company’s pipelines, at a total value of KWD 1.1mn.
position as a best-in-class fuel retailer. A The eight-month deal will contribute
SABIC secures saline key element has included enhancing its to a new pipeline construction project for
transporting gas from the north of Kuwait
advanced Mobile Pay technology, which
solution for EDC plant allows totally contactless refuelling and to Mina Al Ahmadi Refinery, according to a
bourse statement on Monday.
payment. As a result, customer uptake of the
The Saline Water Conversion Corporation ADNOC Distribution Wallet, which includes Last year, HEISCO’s net earnings advanced
(SWCC) has signed a Memorandum of Mobile Pay as well as the ADNOC Rewards by 16.4% annually to reach KWD 11.2mn
Understanding (MoU) with the Arabian programme, increased by more than 100,000 from KWD 9.6mn in 2018.
Petrochemical Company (Petrokemya), users in the first quarter of the year to over
a subsidiary of the Saudi Basic Industries 730,000 users.
Corporation (SABIC), to provide the Engen secures barge for
concentrated saline solution to the unit’s EDC
plant. Engen Petroleum chooses Namibian bunkering
The collaboration comes after SWCC had
developed the zero liquid discharge (ZLD) X-Oil to distribute its Engen has enhanced bunkering supply in
technology which marks one of the company’s Namibia by acquiring the exclusive services
research milestones, according to an official lubricants in Congo of a 2000-tonne garge, which will be made
statement. available to rigs, support services and offshore
The ZLD technology benefits from the Engen Petroleum, the South African company passing vessels lying at anchorage, for the
discharge produced by water desalination which is 80% owned by Malaysia’s Petronas bunkering of Gasoil (10 PPM and 500 PPM)
plants through raising the concentration of has selected X-Oil to distribute its lubricants at the ports of Walvis Bay and Lüderitz.
the saline solution to a high concentration in Congo. Managing Director of Engen in Namibia,
that allows capitalizing on other components The Congolese fuel distributor X-Oil Christian Li, says the company is a firm
such as minerals and precious metals. was bought by Geneva-based Lynx Energy supporter of Namport’s vision to attract
SWCC is currently coordinating in 2011. Lynx has plans to expand X-Oil’s increased cargo to the Port of Walvis Bay and
with Petrokemya to agree on the exact operations into West Africa. position the Walvis Bay Corridor as a natural
requirements and specifications of the As a global energy company, Engen gateway for international trade, by offering
solution. produces and markets fuels and oils for all direct access to principal shipping routes.
The promising ZLD technology contributes industrial and automotive applications. It “The service of the Barge MT Sarah is a
to transfer of the wasted discharge into a currently operates in 20 countries in sub- first for Namibia and a welcome addition
profitable industrial wealth while supporting Saharan Africa and Indian Ocean islands.. to bunkering operations as it will help to
and nationalising the desalination industry decongest berths, offer a much-needed
across the kingdom. alternative to pipelines and truck delivery, and
Motor fuel output slumps in create much-needed employment,” adds Li.
The Port of Walvis Bay is situated on
ADNOC fuel arm reports Oman Africa’s south-western coast, and as such, is a
convenient and fast transit route, connecting
higher Q1 revenues Production of M-91 (Regular) gasoline by southern Africa, Europe, Asia and the
refineries in Oman fell by 29% at the end of
ADNOC Distribution announced its first April 2020, with the output falling to 3.76mn Located further south, the Port of Lüderitz,
quarter 2020 financial results, recording barrels compared to 5.27mn barrels produced caters for Namibia’s southern regions and
an underlying EBITDA of $171.27mn, in 2019, according to a data released by the provides access to South African markets in
a growth of 4.7%, while net profit was National Centre for Statistics and Information. the Northern Cape.
$108.92mn for the quarter and cash flow The output of M-95 (Regular) reached
generation remained strong with free cash 3.89mn barrels until the end of April 2020,
flow of $145.13mn. The company continues compared to 4.30mn barrels.
to focus on ensuring the safety of its Diesel output rose 19% to 10.46mn barrels
employees, customers and local communities while aviation fuel production fell 20 percent
Week 23 11•June•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19