Page 6 - MEOG Week 46 2022
P. 6
Iranian, Russian companies
to build Tabesh oil pipeline
IRAN IRAN’S Sin Energy Gostar Holding plans to Mohammad Ziar, an oil ministry official was
build a domestic pipeline for the transporta- cited as saying.
tion of petroleum products with the help of “The project involves the construction of a
Russian company Promsyrioimport, accord- 948-km-long pipeline from Rafsanjan in the
ing to the managing director of the holding, as southeastern province of Kerman to Mash-
quoted by official Iranian news agency for energy had in the province of Khorasan-Rezavi in the
announcements Shana. northeast, as well as two pumping stations and
Iran is looking to make use of Russian spare three terminals,” he added, noting that “this will
industrial capacity caused by the economic be done in co-operation with two Iranian and
isolation Russia is enduring given sanctions Russian firms.”
introduced by the West in response to its war in Shana also reported vice chairman of the
Ukraine. Parliamentary Energy Commission Mullah
Together, Iran and Russia are pursuing mul- Musa Ahmadi as saying the petroleum ministry
tiple projects aimed at building up greater shares is looking to build up its energy diplomacy with
of the global oil, gas and petrochemical markets. potential foreign partners in mind.
“According to a cooperation document “As a result of joint cooperations between Iran
signed recently by the holding and Russian and Russia, the unspoken fear of US sanctions is
state company Promsyrioimport [a subsidiary breaking and countries such as China, Qatar and
of the Russian Ministry of Energy], the Rafsan- some regional countries such as Iraq and Syria
jan-Mashhad oil pipeline, known as Tabesh, have expressed their desire for joint work,” he
will be built in Iran by the two companies,” was quoted as saying.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 46 16•November•2022