Page 9 - MEOG Week 46 2022
P. 9

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       POGC to drill more wells at South Pars

        IRAN             IRAN’S state-owned Pars Oil and Gas Co.  produce 700mn cubic metres per day at present
                         (POGC) said this week that it is planning to drill  of Iran’s 1bn cubic metre per day total. Tehran is
                         35 new wells to support efforts to maintain and  aiming to raise output from South Pars to 1 bcm
                         expand gas production from the South Pars gas  per day as quickly as possible but requires signif-
                         field. Speaking to the Ministry of Petroleum’s  icant investment to maintain and add to produc-
                         (MoP) Shana news agency, Shobeir Nabavi,  tion. An additional 50,000 barrels per day (bpd)
                         POGC’s deputy head of Reservoir Operations  of crude are produced from the field’s oil layer.
                         Engineering, said the company has obtained the  Capacity at South Pars is seen growing to 730
                         necessary permits from the ministry to spud 35  mcm per day once Phase 11 is commissioned.
                         new wells at the field within the next two or three   In September, the state-owned South Pars
                         years.                               Gas Co. (SGPC) said that production from the
                           He added that the number of drilled and  field ran at 614.7mn cubic metres per day during
                         completed wells at South Pars stands at 341, 308  the first five months of the Iranian calendar year
                         of which are currently operational.  (March-August).
                           POGC, which is a subsidiary of the National   Meanwhile, Nabavi said that POGC is
                         Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC), holds ultimate respon-  focused on maintaining output from South Pars
                         sibility for the development of South Pars, with  while developing other gas fields including Kish,
                         fellow NIOC affiliate Petropars carrying out  North Pars, Bilal, Golshan, Ferdowsi, Farzad A
                         jobs on the surface and subsurface. IOEC is also  and B, and also the South Pars Oil Layer.
                         a subsidiary of NIOC.                  He added that pressure from the Kangan and
                           A year ago, POGC’s head of oil and gas engi-  Dalan layers of the South Pars reservoir, located
                         neering, Ali Akbar Majed, said that the company  at a depth of 3,000 metres, “has decreased from
                         had begun drilling an appraisal well in the north-  about 5,200 psi to 3,500 psi during the 20 years
                         ern area of the field. “This well is aimed at deter-  of exploitation of this field.”
                         mining the extent of expansion of South Pars gas   Iran is home to around 34 trillion cubic
                         field in the north side of the field and evaluating  metres of proved natural gas reserves, with the
                         the potential of uncharted areas of this section  supergiant South Pars accounting for around 14
                         for development,” he said.           tcm as well as 18bn barrels of gas condensates.
                           The drilling work is being carried out by Ira-  The Islamic republic holds a 3,700-square km
                         nian Offshore Engineering and Construction  portion of the 9,700-square km deposit that is
                         Co. (IOEC) under POGC’s supervision.  shared with Qatar, where it is known as the North
                           The overall South Pars development includes  Dome field. Around 80% of the field’s initial gas
                         37 platforms across the field’s 24 phases to  reserves are believed to remain in place.™

       Week 46   16•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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