Page 8 - MEOG Week 46 2022
P. 8

MEOG                                   PRICES & PERFORMANCE                                            MEOG

       Caution abounds as OPEC

       cuts demand growth forecast

        OPEC             OPEC this week cut its forecast for 2022 global  situation in Eastern Europe, allowing for less
                         oil demand growth for a fifth time since April,  hawkish policies,” OPEC said.
                         also trimming its 2023 outlook, citing mounting   Oil maintained its downward trend after
                         economic challenges, including high inflation  the report was released, trading around $95 per
                         and rising interest rates.           barrel.
                           Oil demand in 2022 will expand by 2.55mn   For October, with oil prices weakening on
                         barrels per day (bpd) or 2.6%, OPEC said in a  fears of a recession, the group made a 100,000
                         monthly report – down 100,000 bpd from the  bpd cut to the OPEC+ production target, with
                         previous forecast. “The world economy has  an even bigger reduction planned for Novem-
                         entered a period of significant uncertainty and  ber. Saudi Arabia said the latest cut was nec-
                         rising challenges in the fourth quarter of 2022,”  essary to respond to rising interest rates in the
                         the group said in the report. “Downside risks  West and a weaker global economy. US President
                         include high inflation, monetary tightening by  Joe Biden has criticised the decision, calling it
                         major central banks, high sovereign debt levels  short-sighted.
                         in many regions and persisting supply chain con-  In the report, OPEC said that in Q2 and Q3,
                         straints,” it added.                 global oil supply had outpaced oil demand by
                           In just over two weeks’ time, the OPEC+  200,000 bpd and 1.1mn bpd respectively, having
                         group will meet in Vienna on December 4.  been in a deficit of 300,000 bpd during Q1.
                         OPEC+, which recently cut production targets,   OPEC’s output for October was reported
                         will remain cautious, Saudi Arabian Energy  to have fallen by 210,000 bpd to 29.49mn bpd,
                         Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud,  more than the pledged OPEC+ reduction, led by
                         OPEC+’s de facto leader, was quoted as saying  a 149,000 bpd cut by Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom
                         last week.                           itself, however, reported a smaller drop to OPEC
                           In 2023, OPEC expects oil demand to  – of 84,000 bpd, bringing its October output to
                         increase by 2.24mn bpd, also 100,000 bpd lower  just below 11mn bpd.
                         than previously forecast. Despite commenting   Prince Abdulaziz said OPEC+ would remain
                         on the growing challenges OPEC left its 2022  cautious on oil production, noting that members
                         and 2023 global economic growth forecasts  saw uncertainties in the global economy ahead
                         steady and suggested there was upside potential,  of the bloc’s next meeting in December.
                         despite risks being skewed to the downside.  “Our theme is being cautious,” he was quoted
                           “These come from a variety of sources.  as saying at the COP27 summit in Egypt, add-
                         [In particular] inflation could be positively  ing: “it’s being responsible and not losing sight of
                         impacted by any resolution of the geopolitical  what the market required”.™

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