Page 7 - MEOG Week 44 2022
P. 7

MEOG                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Saudi reaffirms

       net zero ambitions

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI Arabia’s Energy Minister Prince Abdu-  bin Salman (MbS), during the Kingdom’s Saudi
                         laziz bin Salman Al Saud this week reiterated  Green Initiative Forum ahead of the COP26 cli-
                         the Kingdom’s efforts to achieve the ‘net zero’  mate conference.
                         emissions goal it announced last year. Speaking   He said that 450mn trees would be planted
                         at ADIPEC in Abu Dhabi, Prince Abdulaziz said:  across Saudi Arabia amid efforts to rehabilitate
                         “We are working to increase refining rates and  large areas of degraded land by 2030 and the mit-
                         develop clean hydrogen.”             igation of 200mn tonnes of emissions.
                           He noted that Saudi Arabia and UAE are   Meanwhile, a statement released by Aramco
                         working together to “achieve sustainable devel-  disclosed the company’s “ambition to achieve
                         opment through a number of important” climate  net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas
                         initiatives, while stressing the need to harness  emissions across its wholly-owned operated
                         existing investments and technologies to achieve  assets by 2050”. It added: “This ambition is an
                         the goals they aspire to accomplish in the future,  important part of the company’s focus on long-
                         according to the Saudi Gazette.      term shareholder value creation by advancing
                           “What is happening today will never prevent  its goals through a company-wide approach [to]
                         us from focusing on the future, and we will work  sustainability.”
                         together to achieve our aspirations, and we will   Scope 1 and 2 emissions cover direct emis-
                         be a positive example for energy-producing  sions from company-owned  or  controlled
                         countries,” he said. The comments come ahead  sources as well as indirect emissions from the
                         of next week’s United Nations COP27 summit in  generation of purchased electricity, steam,
                         Egypt, during which Saudi is expected to make  heating and cooling consumed by company.
                         further climate-related announcements.  Meanwhile, Scope 3 includes all other indirect
                           In October 2021, Riyadh announced that it  emissions that occur throughout the company’s
                         would reduce emissions from the Kingdom to  value chain.
                         net zero by 2060, with oil firm Saudi Aramco   The omission of Scope 3 was unsurprising, as
                         also setting an ambitious target for emissions.  Aramco has not yet reported these indirect emis-
                         Aramco’s target is to achieve ‘net zero’ Scope 1  sions in the three years since it began external
                         and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by  reporting.
                         2050, suggesting that both goals will rely heavily   The company did, however, expand the
                         on the offshoring of emissions, with Riyadh set  reporting boundaries of Scope 2 in 2019 to
                         to remain reliant on crude oil exports for decades  include affiliates under Aramco’s control, which
                         to come.                             include Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery (SAS-
                           Saudi’s ambitious target was announced by  REF), Motiva in the US and Netherlands-based
                         Abdulaziz’s brother, Crown Prince Mohammed  chemicals specialist Arlanxeo.™

       Week 44   02•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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