Page 14 - MEOG Week 49 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                assets, mostly complete.
                                                                                  “We’re excited to announce Aramco’s
                                                                                new drilling and workover head office and
                                                                                industrial hub at SPARK. Its establishment
                                                                                will enhance the oil and gas supply chain by
                                                                                utilising SPARK’s advanced offerings, such
                                                                                as its logistics hub and dry port, to establish
                                                                                a thriving eco-system,” SPARK president and
                                                                                CEO, Saif Al Qahtani, said.
                                                                                  “This can also be a driver for other
                                                                                localisation opportunities across the energy
                                                                                value chain, for example at SPARK’s digital
       GAS                                 SERVICES                             and non-metallic hubs. SPARK aims to
                                                                                support the industry and attract small and
       Last gas compressor of              SPARK breaks ground on               medium enterprises to its state-of-the-art,
                                                                                ready-built facilities and its supply base
       South Pars phases 22-24             277,000 square metre                 operated by Oilfields Supply Center (OSC),”
                                                                                he added said.
       goes online                         drilling site                        OGME

       The operator of the development project   King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) in Saudi   Aramco, L&T to collaborate
       of phases 22 to 24 of South Pars Gas Field   Arabia announced that Aramco and Horizon
       said the last gas turbo-compressor of the   Project Company broke ground on a 277,000   on manufacturing sector
       phases’ refinery has been successfully put   square metre drilling and workover site on
       into operation, the portal of Pars Oil and Gas   Wednesday. Construction on the site is set to   development
       Company (POGC) announced.           be completed by Q2 2023.
         “In order to make the necessary      “This is another significant venture by   Aramco in collaboration with Indian
       preparation for the stable supply of fuel in   Aramco that will contribute to business   conglomerate Larsen & Toubro (L&T)
       winter, the last turbo-compressor of the   continuity. We expect the new drilling   is developing manufacturing capabilities
       refinery of phases 22 to 24 was put into   and workover facilities to attract other   in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The
       operation,” Ali-Asghar Sadeghi said.  oil field services companies, who have   companies have signed a Memorandum of
         He noted that the gas transmission unit of   an indispensable role to play within the   Understanding outlining collaboration on
       the refinery of the mentioned phases includes   collaborative setting of an integrated energy   L&T’s efforts to establish the region’s first
       six turbo-compressors for sending processed   ecosystem,” Nasir Al-Naimi, senior vice-  Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels facility at Saudi
       gas to the national network.        president of upstream at Aramco said in a   Arabia’s strategically located Jubail Industrial
         The official put the gas production capacity   statement.              City. The MoU is in line with the Aramco
       of the project at 56 million cubic meters   The new complex will provide   Namaat programme, launched in September,
       (mcm) per day, and said: “With the injection   infrastructure for 1,200 drilling and workover   which aims to tap into the vast opportunities
       of gas into the refining and gas processing   employees. Aramco and Horizon have already   available in Saudi Arabia to create value,
       lines, in addition to producing hydrocarbon   signed a 22-year contract for the project.  as well as drive economic expansion and
       products such as gas condensate, liquefied gas,   “The development strategically advances   diversification.
       ethane and sulfur, 50 mcm of sweet gas will   our role as an anchor tenant at SPARK. As an   Ahmed Sa’adi, Aramco’s Senior Vice
       also be sent through a 42-inch pipeline to the   integrated ecosystem for the energy sector,   President of Technical Services, said: “This
       national gas transmission network on a daily   SPARK is being designed to capture the full   manufacturing facility, once completed,
       basis.”                             economic value of demand for energy-related   will provide a large number of skilled job
         South Pars phases 22-24 development plan   goods and services.  Aramco intends to   opportunities for Saudi youth, localise
       produces 56 mcm of rich gas, 75,000 barrels   leverage the scale of our drilling activities to   the “know how” of heavy wall vessels
       of gas condensate, 1.5 million tons of liquid   meet that demand and ensure continuity of   in the Kingdom, and deploy the latest
       liquefied petroleum gas (propane and butane),   energy supply, thereby cementing our position   manufacturing technologies to serve the
       and one million tons of ethane per day to   as a global energy leader and bolstering   Kingdom and MENA region. We expect this
       feed petrochemical plants and has also a daily   the Kingdom’s position as a hub for energy   facility to help Aramco and others in the
       production capacity of 400 tons of sulfur.  services,” Abdulhameed Al-Rushaid, vice-  Kingdom to increase localisation and optimise
         POGC is in charge of developing the   president of drilling and workover at Aramco   capital cost.”
       giant South Pars gas field, which Iran shares   said.                      Mr. S. N. Subrahmanyan, L&T’s CEO,
       with Qatar in the Persian Gulf. The field is   SPARK is a 50-square kilometre Saudi   said: “We believe this is another significant
       currently divided into 24 standard phases on   Arabian mega project that is currently   milestone for L&T in the Kingdom and a
       the Iranian side and is estimated to contain a   under construction. The site is located in the   strong testimony to our commitment to the
       significant amount of natural gas, accounting   Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and is being   development of the region. We wish to express
       for about eight percent of the world’s reserves,   developed by Saudi Aramco.   our gratitude to Saudi Aramco for their
       and approximately 18 billion barrels of   Execution of the site is planned over three   guidance and support in the Kingdom.”
       condensate.                         phases, which the first phase, consisting of   ARAMCO
       TEHRAN TIMES                        infrastructure, raods, utilities and real estate

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