Page 16 - MEOG Week 49 2021
P. 16

MEOG                           NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global   Cambo is one of the largest untapped fields
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  remaining on the UK Continental Shelf, and
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  Siccar Point hopes to recover as much as 175mn
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  barrels of oil and some 1.5bn cubic metres of gas
                         regional beats.                      from its first stage of development.
                           We hope you enjoy NRG’s new concise for-
                         mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each  FSUOGM: Rosneft looks at wind for Vostok
                         section the full text will be available as before.  Russian state oil giant Rosneft has teamed up
                                                              with Chinese companies to look at the potential
                         AfrOil: AGS to launch Ruvuma study   for powering its giant Vostok Oil project in the
                         Africa Geophysical Services (AGS) of Oman is  Russian Arctic with wind energy.
                         reportedly on track to launch the first phase of   Rosneft and other Russian oil and gas majors
                         a 3D seismic survey programme at the Ruvuma  have followed their international counterparts
                         block in southern Tanzania in mid-December. In  in taking steps to reduce emissions from their
                         a statement, UK-based Aminex, a non-operat-  activities, as ESG concerns move higher up in
                         ing partner in the joint venture set up to develop  the priority lists of investors.
                         the block, said that AGS had begun preparatory
                         work at the licence area on November 15.  GLNG: Prelude FLNG suspended after fire
                                                              Royal Dutch Shell suspended operations at its
                         AsianOil: Santos-Oil Search merger cleared  Prelude floating LNG facility offshore Western
                         The proposed merger between Santos and Oil  Australia after a fire broke out on the vessel last
                         Search is closer to reality after receiving approval  week.
                         from Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Securities   Media cited company spokespersons as say-
                         Commission.                          ing that smoke in an electrical utility area had
                           In the same week, over 95% of Oil Search  triggered the automatic fire detection and man-
                         shareholders voted in favour of the merger,  agement system at the facility on December 2,
                         despite opposition from some long-standing  allowing the fire to be contained.
                         investors in the company.
                                                              LatAmOil: GTP attracting strong interest
                         DMEA: Borouge contracts awarded      The Guyanese government’s request for expres-
                         This week, DMEA covers a raft of major contract  sions of interest in a $900mn gas-to-power pro-
                         awards for the expansion of the Borouge polyole-  ject is attracting strong interest, according to
                         fins plant in Abu Dhabi.             Natural Resources Minister Vickram Bharrat.
                           Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) and   In an interview with, Bharrat
                         Austria’s Borealis this week awarded contracts  said the EoI had drawn responses from more
                         for the development of their Abu Dhabi Poly-  than 30 potential investors since July.
                         mers Co. (Borouge) joint venture’s fourth facility
                         in the UAE’s Ruwais downstream hub.  NorthAmOil: Net-zero Permian plans
                                                              Super-major ExxonMobil has announced that
                         EurOil: Cambo up in the air          it will target net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
                         Royal Dutch Shell has withdrawn from the large  from its operated assets in the US’ Permian
                         Cambo oil development in UK waters west of  Basin by 2030.
                         the Shetland Islands, in what environmentalists   The announcement comes days after the
                         are welcoming as a death blow for the project,  company unveiled tougher emissions targets as
                         which has faced unprecedented scrutiny over its  part of an update on its medium-term corporate
                         climate impact.                      plans.™

                                               See the archive and sign up to
                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   08•December•2021
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