Page 8 - MEOG Week 49 2021
P. 8

MEOG                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Impasse could see collapse of Vienna talks

        IRAN             THE prospect of the renewed Vienna talks  to lift and on what Tehran would be required to
                         on restoring the 2015 nuclear deal collapsing  do to bring it back into full compliance with the
                         seemed very real by the end of December 3 as  JCPOA – posed a big problem. It was, said Mora,
                         Europe claimed that Iran had undone all previ-  “unclear how these new gaps [in the negotiating
                         ous diplomatic progress while accelerating its  positions] can be closed in a realistic timeframe
                         nuclear development programme.       on the basis of Iranian drafts”.
                           Diplomats representing the E3, namely the   US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said:
                         three European powers at the talks – nuclear  “What we’ve seen in the last couple of days is that
                         deal signatories Britain, France and Germany –  Iran right now does not seem to be serious about
                         expressed their disappointment at the negotia-  doing what’s necessary to return to compliance,
                         tions reaching an impasse in a statement reading:  which is why we ended this round of talks in
                         “Tehran is walking back almost all of the diffi-  Vienna.
                         cult compromises crafted after many months of   “We’re going to be consulting very closely and
                         hard work [in the first phase of the talks]. Over  carefully with all of our partners in the process
                         five months ago, Iran interrupted negotiations.  itself... and we will see if Iran has any interest in
                         Since then, Iran has fast-forwarded its nuclear  engaging seriously.”
                         programme […] it has backtracked on the dip-  Iran’s top negotiator at the talks, Ali Bagheri
                         lomatic progress made.”              Kani, was quoted by Iranian state broadcaster
                           The White House said Tehran did not bring  IRIB as rejecting the European response to the
                         any “constructive proposals” to the renewed  Iranian drafts, saying before he left Austria for
                         negotiations                         Iran: “There is no problem if the Europeans also
                           If the talks founder and Iran continues devel-  provide drafts, and they can be discussed, but
                         oping its nuclear programme beyond the bounds  they must be based on principles approved by
                         of the nuclear deal – also known as the JCPOA –  both sides.”
                         it risks an attack by Israel, which is concerned at   In an interview with Aljazeera, Bagheri Kani
                         how near the Iranians are to enriching uranium  said Iran’s drafted proposals “cannot be rejected”
                         to a level of 90%, the level needed to provide  as they were “based on the provisions of the 2015
                         fissile material in the production of a nuclear  agreement”. A third draft “mainly on the verifi-
                         bomb.                                cation process [on compliance with the JCPOA]
                           At the same time, Israel has acknowledged  and the guarantees Iran is requesting from the
                         that even with such material it would take the  world powers in order to revive the nuclear deal”
                         Iranians around five years to assemble a nuclear  would be presented, he added.
                         weapon. Tehran, for its part, denies ever hav-
                         ing had an ambition to build a nuclear bomb  Returning home to consult
                         and accuses the Israelis of trying to poison the  Prior to the reconvening of the talks, the delega-
                         atmosphere of the Vienna talks with lies about  tions in the Austrian capital will return home to
                         its activities.                      consult with their governments to seek instruc-
                                                              tions on whether the gaps can be closed.
                         Closing gaps                           As well as the Iranians, British, French and
                         The EU’s chief negotiator, Enrique Mora, said the  Germans, the two other remaining JCPOA sig-
                         talks were suspended but would reconvene this  natories, Russia and China, are attending the
                         week, while warning that two drafts presented  talks. The US has a delegation present that is
                         by Iran – on sanctions the US would be required  being kept in touch with developments in the

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   08•December•2021
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