Page 5 - GLNG Week 09 2022
P. 5

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                         tanker departed Calcasieu Pass on March 1 with  stopped, though urgent plans are under devel-
                         the first commissioning cargo from the facility.  opment to reduce European dependence on
                         The vessel’s destination remained uncertain as  it. Indeed, it is not just pipeline gas flowing to
                         of March 3, but traders were cited as saying it  Europe from Russia, with consultancy Rystad
                         would likely stay in the Atlantic Basin, possibly  Energy reporting on March 4 that at least five
                         heading to Europe. The Yiannis is chartered by  LNG vessels were heading from Russia to West-
                         Japan’s JERA, which has access to the Dunker-  ern European ports.
                         que LNG import terminal in France.    However, the risk of a major disruption to
                           JERA and Venture Global said in a joint state-  Russian gas flows to the continent now looks
                         ment that Calcasieu Pass now holds the global  far more likely, and contingency plans are being
                         record for the fastest large-scale greenfield LNG  made.
                         facility to ever be built, moving from a final   The EIA said that Russia, the US and Qatar
                         investment decision (FID) to LNG production  combined accounted for almost 70% of Europe’s
                         in 29 months. Venture Global has already set out  LNG imports in 2021. The US’ share of this has
                         plans to begin construction on its second termi-  been steadily rising over the past few years, and
                         nal, Plaquemines LNG, which is seen as likely to  this is set to continue. However, there are also
                         be the next US LNG project to reach FID.  other logistical challenges to consider, including
                           Other Gulf Coast facilities are moving closer  limited spare regasification capacity on the con- Europe remained
                         to FID too, including expansions at the exist-  tinent. And analysts have noted that LNG alone
                         ing Corpus Christi and Cameron LNG. Mean-  would not be enough to make up the shortfall if   the top importer
                         while, Tellurian recently announced plans to  Russian gas flows to Europe are disrupted.  of US LNG for the
                         begin construction on Driftwood LNG in April   If other Europeans countries follow Ger-
                         regardless of whether it has finalised the financ-  many’s lead in supporting and expediting new   third consecutive
                         ing for the project at that point or not.  LNG import projects, this could help, but, like
                           Other projects still are also trying to progress,  the construction of export terminals, that would   month in
                         though they still need to secure enough offtak-  take time. Europe thus finds itself in a difficult
                         ers to enable them to proceed. These include  position, but the war in Ukraine makes it more   February.
                         NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG, on which an  likely that support for both import terminals at
                         FID was recently pushed back to the second half  home and export projects abroad will rise.™
                         of 2022. NextDecade only has one offtake agree-
                         ment for the facility so far, with Shell, covering   NewsBase’s sister publication bne IntelliNews is
                         2mn tpy over a 20-year period. The company’s  following the war in Ukraine and its fall out with
                         plans include an initial two-train development  daily reports with correspondents across the entire
                         with a capacity of 11mn tpy, which would later  Emerging Europe region, including in both Russia
                         be expanded to five trains with a capacity of  and Ukraine. Or sign up to Editor’s Picks here, a
                         27mn tpy.                            free daily email digest of the most important sto-
                                                              ries in the last 24 hours. At the moment Editor’s
                         What next?                           Picks is almost entirely dedicated to following the
                         Flows of Russian gas to Europe have not  conflict in Ukraine.

       Week 09   04•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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