Page 9 - GLNG Week 09 2022
P. 9

GLNG                                             AFRICA                                               GLNG

       Nigeria, Equatorial

       Guinea sign MoU on

       joint processing of

       gas from stranded


        PROJECTS &       THE governments of Nigeria and Equatorial
        COMPANIES        Guinea have signed a memorandum of under-
                         standing (MoU) that provides for natural and
                         associated gas from stranded fields in the for-
                         mer country’s offshore zone to be processed at
                         the Punta Europa gas hub in the latter country.
                           According to press reports, high-ranking offi-
                         cials from the two sides signed the document on
                         March 1 during the Nigeria International Energy
                         Summit (NIES), an ongoing event in Abuja.
                         They also stated that the MoU would provide for  Nigerian government’s “Decade of Gas” initia-
                         gas from Nigeria’s stranded fields – that is, iso-  tive, which calls for extensive gasification of the
                         lated deepwater sites in the Gulf of Guinea that  country’s industrial and economic operations.
                         cannot be connected easily to existing transport  Additionally, he said, the joint project will help
                         infrastructure – to be delivered to Punta Europa’s  Nigeria expand its share of the world gas market.
                         gas-processing and LNG plants on Bioko Island.  “The execution of this MoU meets one of the
                           The officials indicated that the Nigerian gas  imperatives of the ‘Decade of Gas’ in Nigeria,”
                         would be transported to the gas hub by subsea  he remarked. “Whilst we are focused on the
                         pipeline. However, they did not say how much  domestic gas agenda, we are keeping an eye on
                         gas might be involved in such an arrangement or  the global gas market as well.”
                         say which fields might be served by the pipeline.   Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Mines and
                         Nor did they speculate as to when the parties  Hydrocarbons Gabriel Nguema Obiang Lima
                         might sign a binding agreement on the matter.  also hailed the signing of the document, calling
                           For his part, Nigeria’s Minister of State for  it a positive example of co-operation between
         The officials   Petroleum Resources Timipre Sylva, who  two countries within the global South. “This
        indicated that   signed the MoU on Abuja’s behalf, declared that  strategic collaboration breaks down geograph-
         the Nigerian    the document would help his country monetise  ical boundaries and allows delivery of gas from
                         stranded gas assets within two years. “Nigeria  Nigeria to Equatorial Guinea’s Punta Europa
         gas would be    has huge gas resources, a significant amount  facilities, extending their life and providing
                         of which is offshore, and will require unprece-
                                                              access to the regional and global energy mar-
        transported to   dented investment in infrastructure to bring  kets,” he remarked.
                                                                He also said that the MoU demonstrated that
                         them to market,” he stated, according to a gov-
        the gas hub by   ernment press release. “This collaboration allows  gas-producing states were willing to take creative
       subsea pipeline.  much of that stranded gas to access the global  and flexible approaches in order to bring their
                         gas market within 18 to 24 months, in what will  resources to market under changing conditions.
                         be the fastest timeline to market for a Nigerian  “As the global geopolitics of natural gas evolves
                         offshore gas asset.”                 and within the context of the world transition-
                           Equatorial Guinea is uniquely capable of exe-  ing to a lower carbon footprint, it is imperative
                         cuting this project quickly, he added, because it  that we think differently on how to remain an
                         already possesses a strong portfolio of world-  important player in energy markets. New, fast
                         class LNG and gas-processing plants, as well as  and competitive sources will be a major deter-
                         related infrastructure, he said. Additionally, he  minant of success ... [Nigerian National Petro-
                         stated, the country has investment funds availa-  leum Corp. (NNPC)] and its JV partners get a
                         ble for development projects.        unique opportunity to monetise gas that would
                           Sylva further noted that the collaboration  have otherwise been stranded offshore due to
                         with Equatorial Guinea was in line with the  absence of infrastructure,” he said.™

       Week 09   04•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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