Page 8 - GLNG Week 09 2022
P. 8

GLNG                                              AFRICA                                               GLNG

       Republic of Congo: NFE, Eni subsidiary

       sign HoA on Fast LNG technology

        PROJECTS &       US-BASED New Fortress Energy (NFE) has   Wes Edens, the NFE chairman and chief
        COMPANIES        arranged to make its Fast LNG technology avail-  executive, hailed the deal with Eni as a positive
                         able to a subsidiary of Italy’s Eni for use off the  development for his company. “This landmark
                         coast of the Republic of Congo (RoC).  partnership is a major milestone for our Fast
                           In a statement dated February 28, NFE  LNG business,” he commented. “Eni is a world-  NFE did not
                         explained that it had signed a heads of agreement  class organisation and the perfect partner for the
                         (HoA) with Eni Congo, a fully-owned subsidiary  first Fast LNG unit. With production beginning   identify the
                         of Eni, on the use of Fast LNG over a period of  next year, we believe that this is just the first of
                         20 years. That period would begin in 2023, when  many deployments of this game-changing tech- resource base for
                         LNG production is slated to start.   nology around the world.”
                           According to the statement, the HoA will   He continued: “The customers at our down- Eni’s LNG project
                         serve as a framework for the negotiation of a  stream terminals need access to affordable, clean   offshore RoC.
                         long-term tolling agreement for the full capacity  and reliable energy. Our portfolio of Fast LNG
                         of an NFE liquefaction facility capable of using  facilities allows us to deploy offshore infrastruc-
                         associated gas from Eni’s offshore oilfields to  ture more quickly and affordably, adds low-cost
                         produce 1.4mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG.  LNG to our existing portfolio and diversifies our
                         The tolling agreement will also provide for NFE  business. This is a great step to support our rap-
                         to buy around 1.2mn gallons per day of LNG  idly growing customer base as we play a key role
                         under a 20-year FOB sales and purchase agree-  in the global energy transition.”
                         ment (SPA).                            NFE did not identify the resource base for
                           NFE did not say whether it intended to use  Eni’s LNG project offshore RoC. According to
                         jack-up rigs or another type of floating infra-  previous reports, the Italian major is slated to use
                         structure to support gas liquefaction offshore  associated gas from Marine XII, a large oil-bear-
                         RoC. However, it did indicate that discussions  ing block, as feedstock for an export-oriented
                         on the deal were advanced enough that they were  LNG project. This is in line with the govern-
                         likely to be “completed and satisfied by the end  ment’s Gas Master Plan (GMP), as well as Eni’s
                         of March 2022.”                      own agenda for development in that country.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   04•March•2022
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