Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 35
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       US LNG exports to bounce back

       after Hurricane Laura disruptions

        US               US LNG exports are expected to rebound fairly  comes as a broader recovery is underway from
                         promptly after Hurricane Laura – which passed  the LNG slowdown over the summer, when
                         through the Gulf of Mexico and made landfall  numerous cargoes scheduled for loading from
                         near Cameron, Louisiana – disrupted operations  US terminals were cancelled. Nonetheless, Ref-
                         at major export terminals last week. However, as  initiv data showed that LNG exports were on
                         of September 2, feed gas flows to both Cheniere  track to fall to 2.1bn cubic feet (59.5mn cubic
                         Energy’s Sabine Pass terminal and Sempra Ener-  metres) per day on August 27, which would have
                         gy’s Cameron LNG facility are reported to have  been their lowest level since February 2019.
                         remained at zero.                      Despite the disruptions caused by Hurricane
                           On August 31 it was reported that Cheniere,  Laura, though, US LNG exports are gathering
                         the leading US LNG exporter, was restarting  steam after a significant slowdown over the sum-  The restart of
                         operations at Sabine Pass in Louisiana, which  mer. In a different part of the US – in Georgia
                         had been shut down in preparation for the hur-  – Kinder Morgan was reported to be loading its   operations at
                         ricane making landfall in the area. The facility  first cargo in seven months from the Elba Island
                         is reported not to have suffered any significant  LNG terminal.           these terminals
                         damage. However, debris and damage from the   The Maran Gas Hector LNG tanker arrived
                         hurricane were reported to be holding up the  at the facility last week, in a boost to Kinder   comes as a
                         restart of operations on September 1.  Morgan after a lull in exports from Elba Island   broader recovery
                           Also on August 31, Sempra said it had been  amid a downturn in demand. The company
                         able to conduct preliminary visual inspections of  also brought its tenth – and final – small-scale   is underway
                         the nearby Cameron LNG terminal. These initial  liquefaction train online at the terminal last
                         assessments indicated that the facility had sus-  week.                     from the LNG
                         tained “minimal flooding and no catastrophic   With Elba Island fully online, the first wave
                         wind damage”, Sempra said. Meanwhile, market  of US LNG export capacity construction is now   slowdown over
                         sources have been reported as saying that the  complete. A second wave is under way, also pri-  the summer.
                         lack of general road access to Cameron LNG is  marily on the Gulf Coast. Indeed, the two pro-
                         also hindering efforts to resume operations at the  jects under construction currently – Venture
                         plant.                               Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG and ExxonMobil
                           No date for a restart of Cameron LNG has  and Qatar Petroleum’s (QP) Golden Pass LNG –
                         been provided, though the company said full  both had to provide updates in the wake of Hur-
                         operations would be restored “as soon as safely  ricane Laura passing through the area. Neither
                         practicable”.                        site is reported to have been significantly affected
                           The restart of operations at these terminals  by the storm.™

       Week 35   03•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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