Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 35
P. 15

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Range, Williams unveil net

       zero emissions targets

        US               SHALE driller Range Resources has set itself  “best-in-class” emissions reductions practices
                         a target of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG)  and develop improved methods of measuring
                         emissions by 2025. The company follows in  its emissions.
                         the footsteps of several – primarily European   On the same day that Range unveiled its
                         – international oil companies (IOCs) who have  target, US pipeline operator Williams also
                         also unveiled net zero targets over the past year.  announced a net zero goal – but one that it is only
                         Many of these targets are longer-term, however,  aiming to achieve by 2050. Prior to this, Williams
                         with net zero the goal for 2030 or beyond. Range  is aiming for a 56% absolute reduction in com-
                         is one of the first pure play shale producers to  pany-wide GHG emissions from 2005 levels by
                         adopt such a target.                 2030.
                           The company said in an August 26 state-  “By setting a near-term goal for 2030, the
                         ment that it would meet its 2025 target through  company plans to leverage its natural gas-fo-
                         “continued emissions reductions and the use  cused strategy and technology that is available   Range is aiming
                         of carbon offsets associated with reforestation  today to focus on immediate opportunities to
                         and forest management”. In addition, Range is  reduce emissions, scale renewables and build a   to reduce its
                         aiming to reduce its GHG emissions intensity  clean energy economy – while looking forward
                         further, by 15% relative to 2019 levels by 2025.  and anticipating future innovations and technol-  GHG emissions
                           This will mark the latest step forward for  ogies,” Williams said in a statement.
                         a company that has already been cutting its   The company’s strategy for hitting its target  intensity further,
                         emissions – Range says it has reduced its abso-  includes pursuing “common sense” emissions   by 15% relative
                         lute emissions by 47% compared to 2017. The  reduction opportunities through leak detec-
                         producer noted that according to data from  tion and repair, evaluating equipment upgrades   to 2019 levels by
                         consultancy Rystad Energy, it is already ranked  on a site-specific basis and work practice
                         the lowest for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions  improvements.                   2025.
                         intensity among a group of 58 global oil and gas   In the shorter term, Williams is also plan-
                         producers. A chart provided by Range along  ning to explore renewable energy opportuni-
                         with its statement did not reveal the names of  ties, including renewable natural gas (RNG)
                         the other companies it is ranked against, but  and solar power generation. It already partners
                         illustrated that the list comprised a mix of IOCs,  with companies in Washington, Idaho, Ohio and
                         shale players and diversified firms.  Texas on RNG projects.
                           The company, which is focused on drilling for   In the longer term, Williams said its net
                         shale gas in the Appalachian Basin, said it con-  zero strategy included preparing for future
                         tinues to invest in new technologies and engi-  breakthrough technologies in carbon capture
                         neering solutions aimed at lowering emissions.  and storage (CCS), synthetic gas and the use of
                         It added that it also continues to implement  hydrogen as a fuel source.™

       Week 35   03•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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